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How to Get Your Dog to Stop Jumping

Do you have a dog that loves to jump on you or your guests? If so, you know how annoying it can be. Fortunately, there are several ways to get your pup to stop jumping. This article will provide helpful tips on how to get your dog to stop jumping, including positive reinforcement, proper exercise, and avoiding triggers.

Understand Why Dogs Jump

Before you start training your dog to stop jumping, it's important to understand why they do it in the first place. Dogs jump to show their excitement and to get attention. It is their way of saying “hello” or “I love you”. Therefore, it's important to acknowledge their excitement and give them the attention they crave, but in a more appropriate way.

When your pup jumps, it is important to remain calm and not give them the attention they are looking for. If you yell, push them away, or ignore them, they will think that this is the way to get your attention and will continue to jump.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to get your pup to stop jumping. Whenever your pup jumps, turn away, cross your arms and ignore them. Once they have stopped jumping, reward them with a treat or verbal praise. This will teach your dog that jumping does not get them attention, but good behaviour does.

You can also teach your pup to sit or lie down when they are excited. When they jump, say “sit” or “down”. When they do, reward them with a treat or verbal praise. This will teach them that sitting or lying down gets them the attention they are looking for.

Proper Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Another way to get your pup to stop jumping is to make sure they get enough exercise and mental stimulation. Bored dogs tend to jump more, so it's important to give them plenty of activities to keep them occupied. This can include daily walks, visits to the dog park, and playing fetch. You can also give them puzzle toys to keep their minds active.

In addition, make sure your pup gets plenty of rest. Dogs need at least 8-10 hours of sleep a day, so make sure they have a comfortable place to sleep and are not disturbed while they are resting.

Avoid Triggers

It's also important to identify and avoid triggers. If your pup jumps when they see other people or animals, try to keep them away from these triggers. If they jump when they hear loud noises, try to keep them away from these as well. This will help them to remain calm and not jump.

It's also important to avoid rewarding your pup for jumping. If you give them a treat or attention when they jump, they will think that this is the way to get your attention and will continue to jump.


Getting your dog to stop jumping can be a challenge. However, with patience and consistency, you can teach your pup the right way to greet you and your guests. Start by understanding why dogs jump, and then use positive reinforcement, proper exercise, and avoiding triggers to get your pup to stop jumping.

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