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Prevent Dogs from Jumping on People Successfully

Dogs are naturally excitable, and one of the ways they show their enthusiasm is by jumping up. Unfortunately, this can be annoying and even dangerous for owners, so it’s important to train your pup to stop jumping up on people. In this article, we’ll explain the best ways to keep your pup from jumping on you and how to address the issue when it does happen.

Why Dogs Jump Up

Dogs jump up for a variety of reasons. Some dogs jump out of excitement when greeting their owners, while others may jump up to get attention. Some pups may even jump up to get a better view of their surroundings. Whatever the reason, it’s important to address the issue quickly.

How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping Up on You

The key to stopping your pup from jumping up on you is to make sure you don’t reward the behaviour. Whenever your pup jumps up, make sure you ignore them and don’t give them any attention. If you do, your pup will learn that jumping up is a good way to get your attention. Instead, reward your pup when they stay down and don’t jump up.

Positive Reinforcement - Positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to train your pup not to jump up. Whenever your pup does something you like, such as staying down, give them a treat or some verbal praise. This will encourage them to keep up the good behaviour.

Redirection - If your pup starts to jump up, try to redirect their attention to something else. This could be a toy, a game, or even a treat. By redirecting their attention, you can help prevent them from jumping up.

Consistency - Consistency is key when it comes to training your pup not to jump up. Make sure everyone in the family is on the same page and uses the same training methods. This will help your pup learn faster and stay focused on the task.

What to Do When Your Dog Jumps Up

If your pup does jump up, it’s important to stay calm and not to yell or react negatively. Yelling or scolding your pup will only make them more excited and may even encourage them to jump up more. Instead, gently push your pup away and ignore them until they calm down. Once they’re calm, reward them with a treat or some verbal praise.

It’s also important to remember that jumping up is a natural behaviour for dogs. It’s not something you can totally eliminate, but you can teach your pup how to control it. With patience and consistency, you can help your pup learn to control their impulses and stay down when they’re around people.


It’s important to remember that dogs jump up out of excitement or to get attention. To stop your pup from jumping up, it’s important to reward them when they stay down and ignore them when they do jump up. Redirection and consistency are also key when it comes to training your pup not to jump up. With patience and dedication, you can help your pup learn to control their impulses and stay down when they’re around people.

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