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How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping on Counters

Training a dog not to jump on counters can be a challenge, but with patience and consistency, it is possible to teach them to stay off the counter. This article provides tips and tricks to help you stop your dog from jumping on counters, such as positive reinforcement, ignoring bad behaviour, and establishing boundaries.

Establish Boundaries

The first step in teaching your dog not to jump on counters is to create boundaries. This means making the counter off-limits to your pup. You can do this by using a physical barrier, such as a baby gate or a leash, or by using a verbal cue. To use a verbal cue, tell your pup “no” in a firm voice when they start to jump on the counter. This will let them know that jumping on the counter is not allowed.

You can also use a combination of physical and verbal cues. For example, you can place a baby gate in front of the counter and then use a verbal cue when your pup starts to jump.

Ignore Bad Behaviour

Once you have established boundaries, the next step is to ignore bad behaviour. This means that when your pup jumps on the counter, you should not give them any attention. This includes verbal or physical cues. If you yell or scold them, they will think that jumping on the counter is a way to get your attention.

Instead, ignore their behaviour and turn away from them. This will let them know that jumping on the counter is not an acceptable behaviour.

Positive Reinforcement

Once you have established boundaries and are ignoring bad behaviour, the next step is to use positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your pup with treats or praise when they stay off the counter. You can also use toys or games as rewards.

When you reward your pup, make sure to give them the reward as soon as possible after they stay off the counter. This will help your pup associate staying off the counter with positive reinforcement.


The final step in teaching your pup not to jump on counters is to be consistent. This means that you should use the same verbal and physical cues every time your pup tries to jump on the counter. You should also reward your pup every time they stay off the counter.

Being consistent will help your pup learn the rules faster and will make it easier for them to remember what is expected of them.


Teaching your pup not to jump on counters can be a challenge, but with patience and consistency, it is possible. Establishing boundaries, ignoring bad behaviour, using positive reinforcement, and being consistent are all key steps in teaching your pup to stay off the counter.

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