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Teach Dogs Not to Pull the Leash

Having a dog that pulls on the lead is a common problem for many dog owners. But, with the right training, you can teach your pup to walk calmly and not pull on the lead. In this article, we'll cover the most effective tips and techniques to help you stop your dog from pulling on the lead.

What Causes Dogs to Pull on the Lead?

The most common cause of dog pulling on the lead is a lack of training. Dogs that have not been taught how to walk calmly on the lead may pull in the direction they want to go, or they may become excited and pull in the opposite direction. Other reasons why a dog may pull on the lead include boredom, excitement, or even stress.

In addition, some breeds are more prone to pulling on the lead than others. For example, herding breeds such as German Shepherds, Border Collies, and Australian Shepherds are known for their strong desire to herd and pull.

How to Stop Your Dog from Pulling on the Lead

The most important thing to remember when trying to stop your dog from pulling on the lead is to be patient and consistent. Here are some tips for teaching your pup to walk calmly on the lead:

  • Use positive reinforcement. Reward your dog for good behaviour by giving them treats or praise. This will help to reinforce good behaviour and discourage bad behaviour.
  • Start with a short lead. When taking your dog out for a walk, use a short lead so that your pup cannot pull away from you. This will help to keep them focused on the task at hand.
  • Walk at a steady pace. When you are walking, maintain a steady pace and avoid stopping and starting. This will help your pup to stay focused and not be distracted by other things.
  • Be consistent. Consistency is key when training your pup not to pull on the lead. Make sure that you are always reinforcing good behaviour and not rewarding bad behaviour.
  • Be patient. Training your pup to walk calmly on the lead can take time, so be patient and don’t give up. With patience and consistency, you will eventually see results.

Other Tips for Stopping Dog Pulling on the Lead

In addition to the tips above, there are several other techniques you can use to stop your pup from pulling on the lead:

  • Ignore bad behaviour. When your pup starts to pull on the lead, ignore them. This will help to discourage the behaviour and show them that pulling will not get them what they want.
  • Distract your pup. When your pup starts to pull, distract them with a toy or treat. This will help to keep their focus on you and not on what they are trying to pull towards.
  • Train your pup to heel. Teaching your pup to heel is a great way to stop them from pulling on the lead. Start by walking in a straight line and rewarding your pup for walking by your side.
  • Use a no-pull harness. A no-pull harness can be a useful tool for stopping your pup from pulling on the lead. The harness wraps around your pup’s chest and applies gentle pressure when they pull, discouraging the behaviour.
  • Take frequent breaks. When you are out for a walk, take frequent breaks to give your pup a chance to rest. This will help to keep them from becoming too excited and pulling on the lead.


Teaching your pup to walk calmly on the lead can be a challenging task, but it is possible. With patience and consistency, you can teach your pup to walk calmly and not pull on the lead. Remember to use positive reinforcement and to take frequent breaks when out for a walk. With the right training, you can have a pup that walks calmly on the lead and enjoys their walks.

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