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Why You Should Consider an Extra Long Dog Lead for Your Furry Friend

Having a dog can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but you need the right equipment to make sure you and your pup are safe and secure. One of the most important accessories you should have is an extra long dog lead. Not only do they give your pup the freedom to explore, but they also offer a greater level of control and safety. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of extra long dog leads and how to choose the right one for your pup.

Benefits of Extra Long Dog Leads

Extra long dog leads provide a number of benefits for both you and your pup. First and foremost, they offer a greater level of control and security. An extra long dog lead gives your pup the freedom to explore, but you still have the ability to keep your pup close and safe. This is especially important for larger breeds or those with a higher prey drive.

In addition, extra long dog leads allow you to give your pup more freedom without having to worry about them getting too far away. They also allow you to take your pup on longer walks without having to worry about them getting tangled up in the lead. Finally, extra long dog leads are perfect for teaching your pup basic commands, such as "come" and "stay".

Choosing the Right Extra Long Dog Lead

When it comes to choosing the right extra long dog lead for your pup, there are a few things to consider. First and foremost, you'll want to make sure that the lead is comfortable and secure. Look for a lead that is made of a soft material, such as nylon, and be sure to check the length and width to make sure it fits your pup properly.

In addition, you'll also want to consider the features of the lead. Does it have a handle for easy control? Is it reflective for nighttime walks? Does it have a clip for attaching to a collar or harness? All of these features can make a big difference in the overall comfort and safety of your pup.

Finally, you'll want to make sure that the lead is durable and long-lasting. Look for a lead made of high-quality materials that can withstand wear and tear. You'll also want to make sure that the lead is adjustable, so you can adjust the length as needed.

Tips for Using an Extra Long Dog Lead

Once you've chosen the right extra long dog lead for your pup, it's important to learn how to use it properly. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Start off slow: Give your pup time to get used to the extra long dog lead. Start off by walking in your yard or a safe, enclosed area. Gradually increase the length as your pup gets more comfortable.
  • Keep your pup close: When walking with an extra long dog lead, it's important to keep your pup close. This will help to prevent them from getting tangled up or running away.
  • Be consistent: Establish a routine and be consistent with your commands. This will help your pup understand what is expected of them.
  • Be patient: Training your pup to use an extra long dog lead can take time, so be patient and remember to reward them for good behavior.


Extra long dog leads offer a number of benefits for both you and your pup. Not only do they provide a greater level of control and safety, but they also allow your pup to explore without getting too far away. When choosing the right extra long dog lead for your pup, be sure to consider the features, comfort, and durability. Finally, remember to be consistent and patient when training your pup to use the lead.

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