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How to Deter Dogs from Pooping on Your Lawn: Effective Methods

Dogs pooping on your lawn can be a frustrating problem. Luckily, there are many ways to deter dogs from using your yard as their bathroom. This article will show you how to deter dogs from pooping on your lawn by using natural deterrents, physical barriers, and training methods. You can also learn how to clean up the mess once it has already been made.

Using Natural Deterrents

One of the most effective ways to deter dogs from pooping on your lawn is to use natural deterrents. Sprinkling cayenne pepper around the perimeter of your yard is a great way to keep dogs away. You can also use apple cider vinegar or citrus peels to keep dogs from entering your yard. If the smell is too strong for you, try using motion-activated sprinklers or water guns to scare the dogs away.

Note: Be sure to check with your local laws to make sure that it is legal to use these deterrents in your area.

Creating Physical Barriers

Another great way to deter dogs from pooping on your lawn is to create physical barriers. Installing a fence around the perimeter of your yard is a great way to keep dogs out. You can also use chicken wire or a motion-activated sprinkler to keep dogs away. If you don’t want to go to the expense of installing a fence, you can use tall plants or shrubbery to create a barrier.

Training Your Dog

If you are having problems with your own dog pooping on your lawn, the best way to deter them is to train them. Start by teaching your dog where it is appropriate to go to the bathroom. Take them outside on a regular basis and reward them for going in the right spot. You can also use verbal cues such as “go potty” or “go outside” to remind them where to go.

If your dog is still having trouble, you can use a leash to keep them in the right spot while they go. You can also use a long line to keep them from wandering off. Be sure to reward your dog when they go in the right spot and never punish them for accidents.

Cleaning Up the Mess

Once you have deterred the dogs from pooping on your lawn, you need to clean up the mess. The best way to do this is to use a pooper scooper or a shovel. If you don’t have one of these, you can use a plastic bag or newspaper to pick up the mess. Be sure to dispose of the waste in a sealed container so it doesn’t attract more animals.

You can also use a pet stain and odor remover to get rid of any lingering smell. If you don’t have one of these, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water to remove the smell. Be sure to rinse the area thoroughly to remove any residue.


Dogs pooping on your lawn is a frustrating problem, but luckily there are many ways to deter them. You can use natural deterrents, physical barriers, and training methods to keep dogs away. You can also use pooper scoopers and pet stain and odor removers to clean up the mess. With a little patience and dedication, you can keep your lawn free from dog poop.

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