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How to Potty Train Your Boston Terrier: A Comprehensive Guide

Potty training your Boston Terrier is an important part of having a happy and healthy pup. With the right techniques and a lot of patience, you can have your pup properly potty trained in no time. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll go over the best methods to potty train your Boston Terrier and make sure you have a clean and hygienic home.

Understanding Your Boston Terrier’s Potty Habits

Before you can properly potty train your Boston Terrier, it’s important to understand their potty habits. Boston Terriers are intelligent and can be trained relatively easily, but they do have certain potty habits that you’ll need to be aware of.

Boston Terriers typically need to relieve themselves every 3-4 hours. It’s important to take your pup out at least once every 3 hours to give them a chance to go. If you are unable to take them out, make sure you provide them with a potty area indoors.

Boston Terriers are sensitive to their environment. If your pup is uncomfortable or stressed, they may have more accidents than usual. Make sure you provide your pup with a safe and comfortable environment to help them feel secure.

Boston Terriers are prone to marking. This is a common problem with many small dogs, and Boston Terriers are no exception. It’s important to take your pup out regularly to prevent them from marking indoors.

Creating a Potty Schedule for Your Boston Terrier

Once you understand your pup’s potty habits, the next step is to create a potty schedule. This will help you keep track of when your pup needs to go and make sure they are getting enough opportunities to relieve themselves.

Take your pup out first thing in the morning. This is a great time to take your pup out, as they will likely need to go after a long night’s sleep. Make sure you take them out to the same spot every time, so they can start to get used to the routine.

Take your pup out after meals and naps. Your pup will likely need to go after they have eaten or taken a nap. Make sure you take them out to the same spot every time, so they can start to get used to the routine.

Take your pup out before bed. This is a great time to take your pup out, as they will likely need to go after a long day. Make sure you take them out to the same spot every time, so they can start to get used to the routine.

Establishing a Potty Area for Your Boston Terrier

If you are unable to take your pup out every 3-4 hours, it’s important to establish a potty area for them indoors. This will give your pup a safe and comfortable place to go when they need to relieve themselves.

Choose the right spot. The best spot for your pup’s potty area is a place that is easy to clean and away from their sleeping area. Avoid carpeted areas, as these can be difficult to clean and may encourage your pup to go in the same spot.

Use the right materials. It’s important to use the right materials for your pup’s potty area. Avoid using newspaper or wood chips, as these can be difficult to clean and may encourage your pup to go in the same spot. Instead, opt for a grassy turf or a puppy pad.

Keep it clean. It’s important to keep your pup’s potty area clean to prevent any accidents or messes. Make sure to clean up any messes immediately and replace the turf or puppy pad regularly.

Training Your Boston Terrier to Go Potty

Once you have established a potty area for your pup, the next step is to start training them to go potty. This can be done using a combination of positive reinforcement and consistent routine.

  • Reward your pup for going in the right spot. Whenever your pup goes in the right spot, make sure to reward them with treats and praise. This will help them learn that going in the right spot is a good thing.
  • Be consistent with your routine. It’s important to be consistent with your routine and take your pup out at the same times every day. This will help them learn that going in the right spot is a part of their daily routine.
  • Redirect your pup if they go in the wrong spot. If your pup goes in the wrong spot, make sure to redirect them to the right spot. This will help them learn that going in the wrong spot is not acceptable.
  • Clean up any messes immediately. It’s important to clean up any messes your pup makes immediately. This will help them learn that going in the wrong spot is not acceptable.

Dealing With Accidents and Setbacks

No matter how well you train your pup, there will likely be accidents and setbacks along the way. It’s important to be patient and consistent when dealing with these issues.

  • Do not punish your pup. It’s important to remember that punishing your pup for accidents will only make the problem worse. Instead, redirect your pup to the right spot and reward them for going in the right spot.
  • Clean up any messes immediately. It’s important to clean up any messes your pup makes immediately. This will help them learn that going in the wrong spot is not acceptable.
  • Be patient and consistent. Potty training can be a long and frustrating process, but it’s important to stay patient and consistent. With enough patience and consistency, you can have your pup properly potty trained in no time.


Potty training your Boston Terrier is an important part of having a happy and healthy pup. With the right techniques and a lot of patience, you can have your pup properly potty trained in no time. By understanding your pup’s potty habits, creating a potty schedule, establishing a potty area, and training your pup to go potty, you can make sure you have a clean and hygienic home.

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