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Prevent Excitement Urination in Dogs

Dogs peeing when excited is a common problem that pet owners face. It can be embarrassing and inconvenient, but fortunately, there are some steps that can be taken to prevent it. In this article, we'll discuss the causes of this issue and the best ways to stop a dog from peeing when excited.

What Causes a Dog to Pee When Excited?

When a dog is excited, they may pee out of fear, excitement, or submission. This behavior is most common in puppies, who are just learning how to control their bladder. Older dogs may also do this if they feel threatened or excited. Additionally, some medical conditions can cause a dog to pee when they are excited.

Submissive peeing is one of the most common causes of a dog peeing when they are excited. This is when a dog pees out of fear or submission. Dogs may do this when they meet new people or when they are around other dogs. It is important to note that this is not a sign of aggression, but rather a sign of insecurity.

Excitement peeing is another common cause of a dog peeing when they are excited. This is when a dog pees out of excitement, such as when they are playing with a toy or when they are being praised. This is usually a sign that the dog is happy and excited.

Medical conditions can also cause a dog to pee when they are excited. Urinary incontinence, diabetes, and bladder stones can all cause a dog to pee when they are excited. If your dog is peeing when they are excited and you suspect a medical condition, it is important to have them checked out by a veterinarian.

How to Stop a Dog from Peeing When Excited

There are several steps you can take to stop a dog from peeing when they are excited. Here are some of the most effective methods:

  • Positive reinforcement – Positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to stop a dog from peeing when they are excited. When your dog pees, reward them with treats and praise. This will help your dog learn that peeing is not acceptable behavior.
  • Desensitization – Desensitization is another effective way to stop a dog from peeing when they are excited. This involves exposing your dog to a stimulus that causes excitement, such as a new person or other dog, and rewarding them for not peeing. Over time, your dog will learn to control their bladder when they are excited.
  • Medical treatment – If your dog is peeing when they are excited due to a medical condition, it is important to get them treated by a veterinarian. Your vet may prescribe medication or suggest other treatments to help your dog manage their condition.


Peeing when excited is a common problem for pet owners, but it can be managed with the right approach. If your dog is peeing when they are excited, it is important to determine the cause and take the appropriate steps to stop it. Positive reinforcement, desensitization, and medical treatment can all help to stop a dog from peeing when they are excited.

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