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Easy Dog Tricks for Beginners: Learn How to Teach Your Furry Friend

Teaching your pup easy dog tricks is a great way to bond and have fun. Plus, it’s a great way to exercise their bodies and minds. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pro, here are some easy dog tricks for beginners that will help you get started.

Start with the Basics: Sit, Stay, and Come

The three most basic commands that all dogs should know are Sit, Stay, and Come. Teaching your dog these three behaviors will help them understand expectations, build trust, and form a stronger bond with you. Here’s how to get started:

  • Sit: To teach your pup to sit, hold a treat in your hand and move it from their nose to their tail, and back again. As they look up to follow the treat, their bottom will naturally lower to the ground. Once their bottom is down, give them the treat and say “Good Sit”.
  • Stay: To teach your pup to stay, start by asking them to sit and then hold your hand up with your palm facing them. As you say “Stay”, take a few steps back. If they stay in the sit position, give them a treat. If they don’t, try again.
  • Come: To teach your pup to come, start by standing a few feet away and holding a treat in your hand. As you say “Come”, clap your hands and move the treat in a circular motion. When your pup comes to you, give them the treat and say “Good Come.”

Shake Hands and High Five

Once your pup has mastered the basics, you can start teaching them more fun commands like Shake Hands and High Five. These commands are great for showing off your pup’s skills and entertaining guests.

  • Shake Hands: To teach your pup to shake hands, start by asking them to sit. Then, take their paw in your hand and say “Shake”. As you say “Shake”, gently lift their paw up and down. As soon as they lift their paw, give them a treat and say “Good Shake”.
  • High Five: To teach your pup to high five, start by asking them to sit. Then, hold your hand up with your palm facing them. As you say “High Five”, gently tap their paw with your hand. As soon as they lift their paw, give them a treat and say “Good High Five”.

Roll Over and Spin Around

Two more fun commands you can teach your pup are Roll Over and Spin Around. While these commands may take some practice, they’re sure to impress your friends and family.

  • Roll Over: To teach your pup to roll over, start by asking them to lie down. Then, take a treat and hold it in front of their nose. As you move the treat in a circular motion, their body should follow the treat and roll over. As soon as they roll over, give them the treat and say “Good Roll Over”.
  • Spin Around: To teach your pup to spin around, start by standing in front of them and holding a treat in your hand. As you move the treat in a circular motion, your pup should follow the treat and spin around. As soon as they spin around, give them the treat and say “Good Spin Around”.

Play Dead and Fetch

Two more fun commands you can teach your pup are Play Dead and Fetch. These commands are great for getting your pup up and moving, and they’re sure to be a hit with your guests.

  • Play Dead: To teach your pup to play dead, start by asking them to lie down. Then, take a treat and hold it in front of their nose. As you move the treat away from their nose, their body should follow the treat and roll over. As soon as they roll over, give them the treat and say “Good Play Dead”.
  • Fetch: To teach your pup to fetch, start by showing them the toy you want them to fetch. Then, throw the toy a short distance away and say “Fetch”. As soon as they pick up the toy, give them a treat and say “Good Fetch”.


Teaching your pup easy dog tricks is a great way to bond and have fun. Plus, it’s a great way to exercise their bodies and minds. Whether you’re a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pro, these easy dog tricks for beginners will help you get started. Remember to be patient and be sure to reward your pup with treats and praise when they do something right. With a little bit of practice, you’ll have your pup performing amazing tricks in no time!

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