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Fun Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Teaching your dog tricks is a great way to bond with your furry friend and show off to your friends and family. Not only are these tricks fun for your pup to learn, but they can also help to keep your pup’s mind active and stimulated. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most fun tricks that you can teach your pooch, from basic commands to more complex behaviors.

Sit & Stay

One of the most important commands to teach your pup is sit. This is one of the most basic commands, but also one of the most important. To teach your pup to sit, you can use treats, a clicker, or verbal commands. Start by getting your pup’s attention, then say the command “sit” and use your hand to gently press down on your pup’s back. When your pup sits, reward them with a treat and lots of praise. Once your pup has mastered the sit command, you can move onto the stay command. To teach your pup to stay, start by having them sit, then say “stay” and step away from them. If your pup stays, reward them with a treat. If they move, say “no” and start again. With practice, your pup will soon understand the stay command.

High Five

Teaching your pup to give a high five is a fun way to show off your pup’s skills. To teach your pup to give a high five, start by having them sit. Then, hold a treat in your hand and raise it up so that your pup has to lift their paw to reach it. When your pup raises their paw, say “high five” and reward them with the treat. With practice, your pup will soon be giving high fives on command.


Shaking hands is a classic trick that is sure to impress your friends and family. To teach your pup to shake, start by having them sit. Then, hold out your hand and say “shake”. When your pup lifts their paw to touch your hand, say “good shake” and reward them with a treat. With practice, your pup will soon be shaking hands on command.

Roll Over

Rolling over is a fun trick that is sure to get a few laughs from your friends and family. To teach your pup to roll over, start by having them sit. Then, hold a treat in front of your pup and move it slowly around their head in a circular motion. As you move the treat around their head, say “roll over”. When your pup rolls over, say “good roll over” and reward them with the treat. With practice, your pup will soon be rolling over on command.

Play Dead

Playing dead is a fun trick that is sure to get a few laughs from your friends and family. To teach your pup to play dead, start by having them sit. Then, hold a treat in front of your pup and say “play dead”. When your pup lies down, say “good play dead” and reward them with the treat. With practice, your pup will soon be playing dead on command.


Fetch is a classic game that your pup is sure to love. To teach your pup to fetch, start by having them sit. Then, show your pup a toy and say “fetch”. When your pup goes to retrieve the toy, say “good fetch” and reward them with a treat. With practice, your pup will soon be fetching on command.


Spinning is a fun trick that is sure to get a few laughs from your friends and family. To teach your pup to spin, start by having them sit. Then, hold a treat in front of your pup and say “spin”. When your pup spins around, say “good spin” and reward them with the treat. With practice, your pup will soon be spinning on command.


Jumping is a fun trick that is sure to get a few laughs from your friends and family. To teach your pup to jump, start by having them sit. Then, hold a treat above your pup’s head and say “jump”. When your pup jumps, say “good jump” and reward them with the treat. With practice, your pup will soon be jumping on command.


Teaching your dog tricks is a great way to bond with your pup and show off to your friends and family. Not only are these tricks fun for your pup to learn, but they can also help to keep your pup’s mind active and stimulated. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to teach your pup some fun and impressive tricks that are sure to get a few laughs from your friends and family.

Remember, when teaching your pup any new trick, it’s important to be patient and consistent. With practice, patience, and lots of treats, you and your pup will soon be mastering all kinds of fun tricks.

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