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Akita Puppy Training: A Comprehensive Guide

Raising an Akita puppy is an exciting adventure but it requires dedication and patience. Akita puppies are intelligent and strong-willed, so they need to be trained early on to ensure they become well-behaved and obedient. This guide will provide you with the essential tips to get you started on the right track with your Akita pup’s training.

Getting Started with Akita Puppy Training

Before beginning to train your Akita puppy, it is important to understand the basics about their behaviour and temperament. Akita puppies are very intelligent and have a strong will, so it is important to establish clear boundaries and rules from the start. Training should be consistent and positive, as Akita puppies respond best to positive reinforcement.

To start training your Akita puppy, it is important to create a safe, comfortable and distraction-free environment. This will ensure that your pup can focus on their training and will be able to learn more effectively. You should also keep training sessions short and engaging to keep your pup’s attention and ensure they stay motivated.

House Training Your Akita Puppy

House training your Akita puppy is one of the most important steps in their training. Akita puppies are very intelligent, so house training should be relatively easy if done correctly. It is important to establish a regular routine from the start and to take your pup outside to their designated “potty” area at the same time each day. It is also important to reward your pup for going to the bathroom in the designated area.

It is also a good idea to create a designated area for your pup to sleep and eat. This will help to reinforce good behaviour and will help them to understand what is acceptable and what is not. If your pup has an accident in the house, it is important to remain calm and not to punish your pup. Instead, you should take them outside to their designated “potty” area and reward them for going to the bathroom in the correct spot.

Crate Training Your Akita Puppy

Crate training your Akita puppy is an important step in their training. Crate training will help to keep your pup safe and secure, as well as help with house training. When crate training your Akita puppy, it is important to ensure that the crate is the right size and that it is comfortable and secure. It is also important to introduce your pup to the crate gradually and to reward them for entering the crate.

It is also important to ensure that the crate is not used as a punishment. The crate should be a safe and comfortable place for your pup and should never be used as a punishment. It is also important to take regular breaks from crate training and to provide your pup with plenty of opportunities for exercise and playtime.

Socialising Your Akita Puppy

Socialising your Akita puppy is an important part of their training. It is important to introduce your pup to new people, animals and environments gradually and to ensure that they are comfortable and safe. Socialising your Akita puppy will help to ensure that they become well-adjusted and confident adults. It is also important to reward your pup for good behaviour when they are around new people or animals.

When socialising your Akita puppy, it is important to be patient and to take your time. It is also important to ensure that your pup is in a safe and comfortable environment and that they are not overwhelmed by too many new people or animals at once. It is also important to provide positive reinforcement when your pup is around new people or animals.

Obedience Training Your Akita Puppy

Obedience training your Akita puppy is an important part of their training. Obedience training will help to ensure that your pup follows the rules and is well-behaved. It is important to start obedience training early on and to ensure that you are consistent in your training. It is also important to use positive reinforcement when training your pup and to reward them for good behaviour.

When obedience training your Akita puppy, it is important to start with basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come”. It is also important to ensure that you are clear and consistent in your commands and to reward your pup for following your commands. It is also important to provide plenty of positive reinforcement and to ensure that your pup is having fun while they are learning.


Training your Akita puppy is an important step in ensuring that they become well-behaved and obedient adults. It is important to start training your pup early on and to ensure that you are consistent in your training. It is also important to use positive reinforcement and to reward your pup for good behaviour. With patience and dedication, you can ensure that your Akita puppy is well-trained and obedient.

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