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Cavapoo Puppy Biting – What You Need to Know

Puppy biting is a common occurrence among Cavapoo puppies. It is important to understand why Cavapoo puppies bite and how to prevent it. This article provides an overview of Cavapoo puppy biting and tips on how to stop it.

What Is Cavapoo Puppy Biting?

Cavapoo puppy biting is a common behavior exhibited by Cavapoos during their teething phase. Puppies use their mouths to explore the world around them, and this often leads to biting. Biting can range from gentle nibbling to more aggressive biting, but it is important to note that it is a natural behavior for puppies.

It is important for puppy owners to understand why their Cavapoo puppy is biting and how to address it. Ignoring the behavior or punishing the puppy will not solve the problem. Instead, it is important to provide the puppy with appropriate chew toys and redirect their biting behavior when necessary.

Why Do Cavapoo Puppies Bite?

Cavapoos, like other breeds, bite for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Exploration: Cavapoo puppies use their mouths to explore the world around them, which can lead to biting.
  • Teething: Cavapoo puppies go through a teething phase, during which they may bite to relieve the discomfort of new teeth coming in.
  • Play: Puppies often use their mouths to play, and this can lead to biting.
  • Attention-seeking: Cavapoo puppies may bite in order to get attention from their owners.

It is important to understand the underlying cause of the biting behavior in order to address it in an appropriate manner.

How to Stop Cavapoo Puppy Biting

The most important thing to do when it comes to Cavapoo puppy biting is to be consistent in addressing the behavior. Here are some tips for managing and preventing Cavapoo puppy biting:

  • Redirection: When your Cavapoo puppy starts to bite, redirect their attention to a chew toy or another activity.
  • Positive reinforcement: Reward your puppy when they exhibit appropriate behavior and ignore inappropriate behavior.
  • Proper socialisation: Ensure your Cavapoo puppy is properly socialised with other people and animals to reduce the likelihood of biting.
  • Chew toys: Provide your Cavapoo puppy with appropriate chew toys to encourage them to chew on these instead of people or objects.


Cavapoo puppy biting is a common behavior exhibited by puppies during their teething phase. It is important to understand why Cavapoo puppies bite and how to address it in an appropriate manner. By being consistent in addressing the behavior and providing the puppy with appropriate chew toys, you can help prevent and manage Cavapoo puppy biting.

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