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How To Calm A Biting Puppy

If you have recently welcomed a puppy into your home, you may be struggling with the issue of biting. Puppies are naturally curious and want to explore the world around them. As they don't yet understand the concept of biting, they may do it as a way of exploring. Fortunately, there are ways to calm a biting puppy and teach them acceptable behaviors. In this article, we will discuss how to calm a biting puppy through positive reinforcement, obedience training, and other methods.

Understanding Puppy Biting

It is important to understand why puppies bite in order to effectively address the behavior. Puppies bite for a variety of reasons. They may be teething and want something to chew on, they may be exploring the world around them, or they may be trying to play. Puppies also bite out of fear or anxiety. It is important to note that the behavior is not malicious, and should not be punished.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to teach your puppy acceptable behaviors. When your puppy is biting, redirect their attention to a toy or chewable object. When they chew on the object, reward them with treats and praise. This will help them understand that biting objects is acceptable, but biting people is not.

Obedience Training

Obedience training is another effective way to teach your puppy acceptable behaviors. Teaching your puppy basic commands such as "sit" and "stay" will help them understand that biting is not acceptable. When your puppy is biting, tell them "no" firmly and redirect their attention to a toy or chewable object. Rewards and praise should be given when they follow your commands.

Provide Exercise

Puppies need plenty of exercise in order to stay healthy and happy. Make sure to give your puppy plenty of opportunities to run and play. This will help them expend their energy and reduce the urge to bite. If possible, take your puppy on daily walks or to the dog park to help them get the exercise they need.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can be a major cause of biting in puppies. Make sure to provide your puppy with a comfortable and safe environment. Provide plenty of toys and chewable objects to help keep them entertained. If possible, hire a professional dog trainer to help your puppy learn how to manage their stress and anxiety.

Be Patient

It is important to be patient when teaching your puppy acceptable behaviors. Puppies learn at their own pace and it may take some time for them to understand that biting is not acceptable. Be patient and consistent when training your puppy and reward them for good behavior.


Biting is a common behavior among puppies. Fortunately, there are ways to calm a biting puppy and teach them acceptable behaviors. Positive reinforcement, obedience training, and providing exercise and a safe environment are all effective ways to calm a biting puppy. Be patient and consistent when training your puppy, and reward them for good behavior. With patience and dedication, you can teach your puppy to stop biting.

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