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How to Get a Puppy to Stop Play Biting

Training a puppy to stop play biting can be a challenging task. This article provides tips and advice to help owners train their puppy to stop play biting and provides an insight into why puppies play bite in the first place. With patience and consistency, owners can successfully teach their puppy to stop play biting and enjoy a harmonious relationship with their pet.

Why Do Puppies Play Bite?

Puppies play bite as part of their natural development. It is the way that puppies explore their environment and learn about the world around them. Play biting is usually a sign of natural curiosity and is an important part of a puppy’s development.

Puppies also play bite as a way of communicating with their owners. They may be trying to get attention or show their affection. It is important to remember that play biting is normal puppy behaviour and should not be punished.

How to Stop Puppy Play Biting

The first step in stopping puppy play biting is to understand why the puppy is doing it. This will help owners tailor their approach to suit their puppy’s individual needs.

Redirecting the Behaviour

The best way to stop puppy play biting is to redirect their behaviour. Owners should provide their puppy with appropriate toys and encourage them to play with these instead of biting. Praise and rewards should be given when the puppy plays with the toy instead of biting.

Ignoring the Behaviour

If a puppy is play biting, owners should ignore the behaviour and not respond. The puppy should not be punished as this can lead to more aggressive behaviour. When the puppy stops play biting, owners can reward them with praise and treats.

Teaching the ‘Leave It’ Command

The ‘leave it’ command is an effective way to stop puppy play biting. Owners should say the command firmly and reward the puppy when they obey. This command can be used whenever the puppy is play biting or if they are chewing on something they shouldn’t.

Socialisation & Training Classes

Socialisation and training classes can help puppies learn how to interact with other dogs and people. These classes will help puppies understand the acceptable way to interact with people and other animals. This will help reduce the chances of them play biting in the future.

Provide Exercise & Mental Stimulation

  • Take your puppy for regular walks.
  • Play interactive games with your puppy.
  • Provide mental stimulation with puzzles and toys.
  • Invest in interactive toys that require your puppy to think.

Regular exercise and mental stimulation can help reduce the chances of play biting. It is important to provide your puppy with plenty of opportunities to burn off energy and stimulate their minds.


Play biting is a normal behaviour in puppies and should not be punished. With patience and consistency, owners can successfully teach their puppy to stop play biting. Redirecting the behaviour, ignoring the behaviour, teaching the ‘leave it’ command, attending socialisation and training classes and providing exercise and mental stimulation can all help owners stop their puppy from play biting.

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