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How to Get a Teething Puppy to Stop Biting: A Comprehensive Guide

Getting a teething puppy to stop biting can be a challenge. However, with the right approach, it is possible to effectively manage the puppy’s biting behavior. In this article, we will cover the most important tips and tricks to help you get a teething puppy to stop biting and make the puppy-training process a pleasant experience.

Understand What Causes Teething Puppies to Bite

The first step to getting a teething puppy to stop biting is to understand why they do it in the first place. Teething puppies bite because they are in pain. As their teeth come in, the puppy may experience soreness or discomfort. To alleviate this, they may resort to biting or chewing on objects. This is their way of providing relief to their gums.

In addition, puppies bite because they are exploring their environment. Puppies are curious and want to learn about the world around them. As a result, they may bite objects to test their texture, taste, and other physical properties.

Provide the Puppy with Appropriate Chew Toys

Providing the puppy with appropriate chew toys is essential for getting them to stop biting. Chew toys provide the puppy with a safe outlet for their chewing behavior. They also help alleviate the pain associated with teething.

When selecting chew toys for your puppy, make sure they are made of safe materials and are the right size for the puppy. Additionally, make sure the chew toys are durable and can withstand the puppy’s chewing.

Redirect the Puppy’s Attention

When the puppy starts to bite or chew on something they shouldn’t, redirect their attention to a chew toy or other appropriate object. This will help break the puppy’s focus and discourage the biting behavior.

You can also try distracting the puppy with a game or a toy. This will help keep the puppy’s attention away from the object they’re trying to bite.

Ignore the Biting Behavior

When the puppy starts to bite, ignore them. This will help discourage the behavior and teach the puppy that biting is not acceptable.

However, make sure to not give the puppy any attention when they are biting. This will reinforce the behavior and make it more difficult to get them to stop.

Use Positive Reinforcement

When the puppy is not biting, reward them with treats or praise. This will help reinforce the behavior and encourage the puppy to continue not biting.

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective ways to get a teething puppy to stop biting. It encourages the puppy to continue the desired behavior and helps build a positive relationship between you and the puppy.

Ensure the Puppy Gets Enough Exercise

The puppy needs to get enough exercise to stay healthy and happy. Exercise helps the puppy expend their energy, which will help reduce the likelihood of them engaging in biting behavior.

Try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of exercise into the puppy’s daily routine. This can include playing, walking, running, and other activities.

Provide the Puppy with Sufficient Mental Stimulation

In addition to physical exercise, the puppy needs to get enough mental stimulation. This helps keep the puppy’s mind active and engaged.

You can provide the puppy with mental stimulation by playing games, teaching them new commands, and providing them with puzzle toys. This will help keep the puppy’s mind busy and reduce the likelihood of them engaging in biting behavior.

Be Patient and Consistent

Getting a teething puppy to stop biting requires patience and consistency. It is important to remain patient and consistent when training the puppy. This will help ensure the puppy learns the desired behavior and discourages the unwanted behavior.

It is also important to be consistent with the rules and boundaries you set for the puppy. This will help ensure the puppy understands the desired behavior and will help prevent unwanted behavior.


Getting a teething puppy to stop biting can be a challenge. However, with the right approach, it is possible to effectively manage the puppy’s biting behavior. By understanding the causes of the behavior, providing the puppy with appropriate chew toys, redirecting their attention, ignoring the biting behavior, using positive reinforcement, ensuring the puppy gets enough exercise, providing the puppy with sufficient mental stimulation, and being patient and consistent, you can get a teething puppy to stop biting and make the puppy-training process a pleasant experience.

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