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Corgi Puppy Training: The Essential Guide

Training a corgi puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It requires patience, consistency and lots of love. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started on the right foot, including helpful tips and tricks for successful corgi puppy training.

Getting Started with Corgi Puppy Training

Before you begin training your corgi puppy, it's important to have a plan in place. This includes deciding which commands and behaviors you'd like to teach your pup, as well as what rewards and punishments you'll use. You should also establish a regular training schedule and stick to it. Consistency is key when it comes to successful corgi puppy training.

It's also important to remember that corgi puppies are still learning and may not understand all commands right away. Be patient and don't expect your pup to learn everything overnight. With patience and consistency, your corgi puppy will eventually learn the behaviors you want.

Tips and Tricks for Successful Corgi Puppy Training

When it comes to training your corgi puppy, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you achieve success. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective methods for training corgi puppies. Reward your pup with treats, praise or other rewards when they do something correctly. This will encourage them to repeat the behavior and make it easier for them to learn.
  • Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to training your corgi puppy. Make sure you use the same commands and reward system every time. This will help your pup learn faster.
  • Patience: Corgi puppies are still learning, so it's important to be patient. Don't expect your pup to understand everything right away. With patience and consistency, they will eventually learn the behaviors you want.
  • Socialization: Socialization is an important part of corgi puppy training. Introduce your pup to other people and animals in a safe and controlled environment. This will help them learn to interact with others and be more confident.

Corgi Puppy Training Exercises

Once you have the basics of corgi puppy training down, it's time to start working on specific commands and behaviors. Here are some of the most important exercises to teach your corgi puppy:

  • Sit: Teaching your corgi puppy to sit is one of the easiest commands to teach. To do this, hold a treat in front of your pup's nose and slowly move it up and back. As your pup follows the treat, their bottom should naturally hit the ground. When this happens, reward them with the treat and praise.
  • Stay: Teaching your corgi puppy to stay is a useful command. To do this, have your pup sit and then hold your hand up in front of them and say "stay". If your pup starts to move, gently guide them back into position and repeat the command. Reward your pup with treats and praise when they stay in position.
  • Come: Teaching your corgi puppy to come when called is an important command. To do this, call your pup's name and then run away from them. As they follow you, reward them with treats and praise. Eventually, your pup will learn to come when called.
  • Leave it: Teaching your corgi puppy to leave things alone is an important safety command. To do this, place a treat in front of your pup and then say "leave it". If they try to take the treat, remove it and repeat the command. Reward your pup with a treat when they obey.

Common Corgi Puppy Training Mistakes

When it comes to training your corgi puppy, it's important to avoid common mistakes. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when training your corgi puppy:

  • Inconsistency: Inconsistency is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when training your corgi puppy. Make sure you use the same commands and reward system every time. This will help your pup learn faster.
  • Yelling: Yelling or scolding your corgi puppy is not effective. Instead, use positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage them to do the right thing. This will help them learn faster and be more motivated.
  • Ignoring Bad Behavior: Ignoring bad behavior is a mistake. Instead, address the behavior immediately and redirect your pup's attention to something else. This will help them learn what behaviors are acceptable and what are not.
  • Too Much Training: Training your corgi puppy too much can be overwhelming for them. Instead, keep training sessions short and fun. This will help your pup stay motivated and make learning easier.


Training your corgi puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With patience, consistency and lots of love, your pup will eventually learn the behaviors you want. Remember to use positive reinforcement and rewards, be consistent, and keep training sessions short and fun. With the right approach, your corgi puppy will be well-trained in no time.

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