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Crate and Potty Training Puppy: A Comprehensive Guide

Crate and potty training a puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It takes patience and dedication to teach your puppy the basics of good behaviour. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to successfully crate and potty train your puppy, from the basics of crate training to the best potty training tips and tricks.

Getting Started With Crate Training

Crate training your puppy is the best way to ensure that they understand the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. It also provides a safe, secure environment for your puppy when they are not being supervised. To begin crate training, you will need to choose the right crate for your puppy and make sure it is comfortable and inviting.

Place the crate in a room that your puppy spends a lot of time in, such as the living room, and make sure the crate is in a quiet area. Place a blanket or towel in the crate and make sure there are no sharp edges that could hurt your puppy. You should also make sure the crate is not too big, as this will make it difficult for your puppy to feel secure.

When you are introducing your puppy to the crate, make sure to do so gradually. Start by placing treats and toys in the crate to make it more inviting. You can also feed your puppy their meals in the crate to help them become accustomed to it. When you are ready, start closing the door of the crate for short periods of time while you are in the room. Gradually increase the amount of time the door is closed until your puppy is comfortable being in the crate for longer periods of time.

Potty Training Tips and Tricks

Potty training your puppy is an important part of crate training. Your puppy will need to learn to go to the bathroom outside, or in a designated area in the house. To begin potty training, you should create a schedule for your puppy and stick to it. Take your puppy outside at regular intervals throughout the day, such as after they eat or drink, and after they wake up from a nap.

When you take your puppy outside, make sure to take them to the same spot every time. This will help them to understand that this is the place where they should go to the bathroom. When they do go to the bathroom, make sure to praise them and give them a treat to reinforce the good behaviour.

You should also pay close attention to your puppy’s behaviour and body language. If you notice that they are sniffing around or circling, this may be a sign that they need to go to the bathroom. If you catch them in the act, make sure to give them a firm “No” and take them outside immediately.

Finally, you should make sure to clean up any accidents quickly and thoroughly. If your puppy smells the urine or feces, they may be tempted to go in the same spot again. Use a special pet odor eliminator to ensure that the smell is completely gone.

Crate Training and Potty Training Together

Crate training and potty training go hand in hand. It is important to establish a routine that works for both activities. Start by taking your puppy out to the designated potty spot first thing in the morning, and then immediately place them in the crate. This will help your puppy understand that they need to go to the bathroom before they can be let out of the crate.

When your puppy is in the crate, make sure to give them plenty of toys and treats to keep them entertained. This will help prevent them from becoming bored and trying to escape the crate. You should also take your puppy outside at regular intervals throughout the day, and immediately after they wake up from a nap.

When it is time to let your puppy out of the crate, make sure to take them outside first to give them a chance to go to the bathroom. If your puppy has an accident in the house, do not scold them. Instead, take them outside and show them where they should be going. This will help them to understand that they need to go outside to go to the bathroom.


Crate and potty training a puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With patience and dedication, you can teach your puppy the basics of good behaviour and help them become a well-behaved member of the family. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can successfully crate and potty train your puppy in no time.

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