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How to Stop Crate Training Puppy Whining

Crate training can be a useful and effective way to house train a puppy, but it can also come with its own set of challenges. One of the most common is puppy whining. If you are struggling with a puppy that won't stop whining while in the crate, there are a few steps you can take to get them to stop.

Understand Why Puppy Whines

The first step in solving any problem is understanding why it's happening in the first place. A puppy whining in the crate is usually a sign of distress. The puppy may be feeling anxious, scared, or bored. It's important to identify the underlying cause of the whining so that you can address it.

If your puppy is whining due to anxiety, for example, you can try providing them with a calming toy or a blanket with your scent on it. It may also help to give them more exercise and playtime before placing them in the crate.

Establish a Routine

Having a regular routine is essential for crate training a puppy. This will help them understand when it's time to go in the crate and when it's time to come out. Establishing a regular routine will also give them something to look forward to and help reduce anxiety.

Your routine should include:

  • Feeding your puppy at the same time every day
  • Giving them plenty of playtime and exercise before crating them
  • Letting them out of the crate for bathroom breaks every few hours
  • Rewarding them with treats when they go in the crate and when they come out

Ignore the Whining

Once you have established a routine, the next step is to ignore the whining. This can be difficult, especially if your puppy is particularly vocal, but it's important to stay consistent. When your puppy whines, do not react. Do not speak to them, do not make eye contact, and do not give them any attention. If they continue to whine, you can try covering the crate to muffle the sound.

It's important to remember that ignoring the whining does not mean ignoring your puppy. You should still provide them with plenty of love and attention when they are not in the crate.

Enrich the Crate Environment

Making the crate a comfortable and inviting place can help reduce your puppy's anxiety and make them less likely to whine. You can do this by providing them with toys, treats, and a blanket with your scent on it. You can also try playing calming music or leaving the TV on for them. This will provide them with something to focus on and help distract them from the whining.

Be Patient

Above all, it's important to be patient and consistent. Crate training a puppy can take time and you may have to deal with some whining along the way. If you stay consistent and follow the steps outlined above, you should be able to get your puppy to stop whining in the crate.

Crate training a puppy can be challenging, but with patience and consistency, you can help your puppy learn to be comfortable in the crate and stop whining.

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