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How Big a Crate Should You Get for Your Puppy?

Getting a puppy is an exciting time for any family. But, it also comes with a lot of responsibility. One of the most important decisions you will have to make is what size crate you will need for your puppy. In this article, we will look at the most important factors to consider when choosing the right crate size, as well as some tips on how to make the crate a comfortable and safe space for your puppy.

What Size Crate Should You Get for Your Puppy?

When it comes to choosing the right crate for your puppy, size is the most important factor to consider. A crate that is too small can be uncomfortable for your puppy, and one that is too big can make it difficult for your puppy to feel secure in the space. Generally speaking, you should look for a crate that is big enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably.

When in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of getting a slightly bigger crate. This way, you can always buy a crate divider to make the space smaller if needed. It is also important to remember that your puppy will eventually grow, so you should look for a crate that will be suitable for your puppy’s size as an adult.

What Type of Crate Should You Get for Your Puppy?

In addition to size, there are also a few other factors to consider when choosing the right crate for your puppy. The most important factor is the type of crate. There are several types of crates available, including wire, plastic and fabric. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you should consider your needs and the needs of your puppy before making a decision.

For example, wire crates are generally more durable and provide more ventilation. However, they can also be more difficult to clean. Plastic crates are much easier to clean, but they may not provide as much ventilation as a wire crate. Fabric crates are lightweight and portable, but they may not be as secure as a wire or plastic crate.

How to Make the Crate a Comfortable Space for Your Puppy

Once you’ve chosen the right size and type of crate for your puppy, it’s time to make the crate a comfortable and safe space. The first step is to line the crate with bedding. You should look for bedding that is comfortable and easy to clean. Make sure that the bedding is not too thick, as this can make it difficult for your puppy to move around.

You should also provide your puppy with a few toys and treats to make the crate a more enjoyable space. This will help your puppy to feel safe and secure in the crate. Finally, it is important to make sure that the crate is not in a noisy or busy area of the house. This will help your puppy to relax and feel comfortable in the crate.


Choosing the right size and type of crate for your puppy is an important decision. You should look for a crate that is big enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably. It is also important to consider the type of crate, as each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Once you’ve chosen the right crate, it is important to make the space comfortable and safe for your puppy by providing bedding, toys and treats.

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