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How to Crate a Puppy at Night: A Comprehensive Guide

Getting a new puppy is an exciting time, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. The key to a successful transition is to properly crate train your puppy. This guide will provide you with helpful tips on how to crate a puppy at night, so you can ensure that your puppy feels safe, secure, and comfortable in their new environment.

Why You Should Crate a Puppy at Night

Crate training your puppy is an essential part of their development and helps them to adjust to their new home. When you crate a puppy at night, it helps them to feel safe and secure in their environment, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, crate training can help to keep your puppy from getting into mischief during the night, as they won’t be able to access furniture or other objects.

Crate training your puppy is also a great way to establish a consistent sleeping routine, which can be beneficial for both you and your puppy. Having a consistent sleep routine will help your puppy to feel more secure and will make it easier for them to adjust to their new home.

Preparing the Crate

Before you start crate training your puppy, you should make sure to properly prepare the crate. Make sure to choose a crate that is the appropriate size for your puppy, as this will make them feel more secure and comfortable.

You should also make sure that the crate is comfortable and inviting. Place a soft blanket or pillow in the crate for your puppy to rest on. Additionally, you may want to add a few toys for your puppy to play with. This will make them feel more at home and will help to keep them occupied during the night.

Introducing the Crate

Once you have prepared the crate, it’s time to start introducing your puppy to it. Start by placing the crate in a room where your puppy can feel safe and secure. This could be your bedroom or living room.

Next, give your puppy plenty of time to explore the crate. Place a few treats inside the crate and encourage your puppy to go inside. If they seem hesitant, you may want to try placing a few of their favorite toys inside the crate. This will help to make them feel more comfortable and will encourage them to explore.

Once your puppy is comfortable going inside the crate, you can start closing the door for short periods of time. Start by closing the door for a few seconds and then gradually increase the amount of time. Make sure to reward your puppy with a treat each time they stay in the crate, as this will help to reinforce positive behavior.

Crating Your Puppy at Night

Once your puppy is comfortable going into the crate and staying in it for short periods of time, you can start crate training them at night. Before you put your puppy in the crate for the night, make sure to take them outside for one last potty break. This will help to ensure that they don’t have an accident in the crate.

Next, place your puppy in the crate with a few of their favorite toys and a treat. Make sure to give them plenty of praise and encouragement as they go into the crate. You may also want to give them a Kong filled with treats or peanut butter, as this will keep them occupied while they are in the crate.

Finally, make sure to place the crate in a location where your puppy won’t be disturbed during the night. This could be in your bedroom or in another room in the house. If you are placing the crate in your bedroom, make sure to place it far enough away from your bed so that your puppy won’t be disturbed by your movement during the night.

Dealing With Separation Anxiety

If your puppy experiences separation anxiety when you crate them at night, there are a few things you can do to help them feel more secure. First, make sure to spend plenty of time playing with your puppy before placing them in the crate. This will help to tire them out and will make them less likely to feel anxious when they are alone.

You may also want to try using a calming spray or diffuser in the room where you place the crate. These products can help to reduce your puppy’s anxiety and make them feel more secure. Additionally, you may want to try using a white noise machine or a sound machine to help your puppy relax.


Crate training your puppy at night is an important part of helping them to adjust to their new home. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can help to ensure that your puppy feels safe and secure in their crate. Additionally, crate training your puppy at night can help to establish a consistent sleep routine, which can be beneficial for both you and your puppy.

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