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How to Get a Puppy to Stop Peeing in Crate

Potty training your puppy can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to crate training. Puppies often have accidents in their crate, and it is important to take the necessary steps to stop them from peeing in the crate. This article will explain the best ways to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate and help you successfully potty train your puppy.

Identify the Cause of the Problem

The first step in solving the problem is to identify the cause of the issue. Puppies often pee in their crate because they are not comfortable or feeling safe. If your puppy is feeling stressed or anxious, they may be more likely to have an accident in the crate. It is important to consider the environment they are in and make sure that they are feeling safe and secure.

In some cases, puppies may pee in their crate because they have been left in there for too long. If your puppy is left in the crate for too long, they may feel like they have no other option than to pee in the crate. It is important to make sure that your puppy has regular potty breaks and is not left in the crate for extended periods of time.

Make the Crate Comfortable

Once you have identified the cause of the problem, it is important to make the crate as comfortable as possible. You can do this by adding a soft blanket or bedding to the crate and making sure that it is the right size for your puppy. It is also important to make sure that the crate is in a quiet and comfortable area of the house.

You can also add toys and treats to the crate to make it more inviting for your puppy. This will help your puppy to feel more comfortable and secure in the crate and may help to reduce the likelihood of them having an accident.

Establish a Potty Schedule

Establishing a potty schedule is one of the most effective ways to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate. You should take your puppy out to the potty at regular intervals throughout the day, such as every two to three hours. This will help your puppy to learn when they should go to the bathroom and will help to reduce the chances of them having an accident in the crate.

It is also important to take your puppy out after they have been playing or have eaten. Puppies often need to go to the bathroom after these activities, so taking them out immediately after will help to prevent them from having an accident in the crate.

Reward Good Behaviour

When your puppy goes to the bathroom outside, it is important to reward them with praise and treats. This will help to reinforce good behaviour and will help your puppy to understand that going to the bathroom outside is the desired behaviour. You should also make sure to clean up any accidents in the crate immediately.

It is also important to avoid punishing your puppy for having an accident in the crate. Punishment can actually make the problem worse as it can cause your puppy to become anxious and stressed. Instead, focus on rewarding your puppy for going to the bathroom outside and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviour.

Be Patient and Consistent

Potty training a puppy is a process that takes time and patience. You should be consistent in your approach and stick to the same potty schedule and reward system. It is also important to be patient with your puppy and not expect them to learn overnight. With patience and consistency, you can successfully potty train your puppy and get them to stop peeing in the crate.

It is also important to remember that accidents are normal and to not get too frustrated with your puppy. With patience and consistency, you can successfully potty train your puppy and get them to stop peeing in the crate.


Potty training your puppy can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to crate training. It is important to take the necessary steps to stop your puppy from peeing in the crate. Identifying the cause of the problem, making the crate comfortable, establishing a potty schedule, and rewarding good behaviour are all important steps in successfully potty training your puppy. It is also important to be patient and consistent with your training and to not get too frustrated with your puppy. With patience and consistency, you can successfully potty train your puppy and get them to stop peeing in the crate.

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