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Do Puppies Chew on Everything?

Do puppies chew on everything? It's a common question for pet owners, and the answer is yes! Puppies have a natural urge to chew and explore their environment, and that includes chewing on anything they can get their teeth into. In this article, we'll look at why puppies chew on everything, the consequences of this behavior, and how to prevent it in the future.

Why Do Puppies Chew on Everything?

Puppies chew on everything for a variety of reasons. Primarily, it's because they're teething. Puppies' teeth come in between 3 and 6 months old, and during this time they need something to chew on to relieve the pressure and discomfort.

Chewing also helps puppies explore their environment. Puppies are curious by nature, and they use their mouths to investigate objects and surfaces. Chewing helps them learn about their surroundings, and can even be a sign of playfulness.

Finally, puppies may chew on things out of boredom. If puppies don't have enough mental and physical stimulation, they may turn to chewing to pass the time.

What Are the Consequences?

Chewing is a normal behavior for puppies, but it can have serious consequences if not managed properly. Puppies can chew on furniture, shoes, and other items around the house, which can be expensive to replace.

Chewing can also be dangerous for puppies. Puppies may chew on cords, which can lead to electric shock. They may also chew on toys with sharp edges or small parts that can be swallowed.

Finally, puppies may develop bad chewing habits if not properly trained. For example, if puppies are allowed to chew on furniture or shoes, they may continue to do so even when they're older.

How to Prevent Puppies from Chewing on Everything

The best way to prevent puppies from chewing on everything is to provide them with appropriate chew toys. Choose toys that are made of soft rubber or fabric and are specifically designed for puppies. Make sure the toys are large enough that puppies can't swallow them.

It's also important to provide puppies with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Take puppies for walks, play with them, and give them plenty of attention. This will help keep them occupied and reduce the urge to chew.

Finally, provide puppies with positive reinforcement when they chew on their toys. Praise them and give them treats to encourage them to chew on their toys instead of other items.


Chewing is a natural behavior for puppies, but it can become a problem if not managed properly. To prevent puppies from chewing on everything, provide them with appropriate chew toys, plenty of mental and physical stimulation, and positive reinforcement when they chew on their toys. With the right training and supervision, puppies can learn to chew on the right things.

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