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Heel Training Puppy: A Step-By-Step Guide

Heel training a puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right guidance and patience, you can teach your puppy to walk at your side and pay attention to your commands. This guide will provide you with the steps and tips you need to successfully heel train your puppy.

What Is Heel Training?

Heel training is a type of obedience training that teaches your puppy to walk at your side and to respond to your commands. It is one of the most important commands to teach your puppy, as it ensures your pup’s safety when you are out and about.

In order for your puppy to understand the heel command, you must use consistent and positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your puppy with treats, praise, or a toy when they do the right thing and ignoring them when they don’t. This type of reward-based training will help your puppy understand that they are doing the right thing and will encourage them to keep up the good work.

Steps to Heel Training Your Puppy

Step 1: Prepare Your Puppy

The first step in heel training your puppy is to prepare them for the training. This means making sure they are in a calm and relaxed state. You can do this by taking them for a walk before the training session, playing with them, or giving them a treat. This will help them to be in the right frame of mind for learning.

It is also important to make sure that you have the necessary items for the training session. This includes treats, a leash, and a collar if you plan on using a leash. Having these items on hand will make the training session easier and more effective.

Step 2: Introduce the Heel Command

Once your puppy is ready for the training session, you can begin introducing the heel command. Start by having your puppy sit at your side, then give them the heel command and reward them with a treat. Make sure to use the same command and reward each time so that your puppy learns the command quickly. Repeat this step several times until your puppy responds to the command.

Step 3: Start Walking

Once your puppy is responding to the heel command, you can start walking. Start by walking a few steps and then giving the heel command. If your puppy does not respond, gently pull on the leash and reward them when they return to your side. As your puppy starts to understand the command, you can start walking further distances and varying the speed. Make sure to reward your puppy with a treat or praise when they respond correctly.

Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to successfully heel training your puppy is to practice regularly. Make sure to practice the heel command several times a day and in different environments. This will help your puppy to understand the command and respond quickly and consistently.

Tips for Successful Heel Training

In addition to following the steps outlined above, there are some tips that can help make your heel training session successful:

  • Be Patient: Heel training can take time, so it is important to be patient with your puppy. Don’t expect them to learn the command overnight. Take your time and be consistent with your commands and rewards.
  • Stay Focused: Make sure to stay focused on the task at hand. Distractions can be a big issue when heel training, so make sure to keep your puppy’s attention on you and the task at hand.
  • Be Consistent: In order for your puppy to learn the heel command, you must be consistent with your commands and rewards. Make sure to use the same command and reward each time so that your puppy knows what to expect.
  • Stay Positive: Heel training can be a challenging process, so it is important to stay positive and encouraging. Praise your puppy when they do the right thing and ignore them when they don’t. This will help them to understand that they are doing the right thing and will encourage them to keep up the good work.


Heel training your puppy can be a challenging but rewarding experience. With the right guidance and patience, you can teach your puppy to walk at your side and pay attention to your commands. This guide has provided you with the steps and tips you need to successfully heel train your puppy. Just remember to be patient, stay focused, be consistent, and stay positive. With enough practice, your puppy will learn the heel command in no time.

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