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How to Stop a Puppy From Chewing

Are you in need of some tips on how to stop a puppy from chewing? If your puppy is making a mess of your furniture, shoes and other items around the house, then this article is for you. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to stop a puppy from chewing, including providing safe chew toys, using deterrent sprays and other training methods. With these tips, you will be able to help your puppy learn what they should and should not chew on.

Understand Why Puppies Chew

Before we discuss how to stop a puppy from chewing, it is important to understand why puppies chew. Puppies chew as a way to explore their environment, relieve boredom and satisfy their natural need to chew. It is important to remember that puppies are still learning and trying to understand their world. As such, they may chew on items they shouldn’t or do things they shouldn’t do.

It is important to remember that puppies are still learning and trying to understand their world. As such, they may chew on items they shouldn’t or do things they shouldn’t do. To help your puppy learn what is acceptable to chew on and what is not, you will need to provide them with proper guidance, structure and training.

Provide Safe Chew Toys

One of the best ways to stop a puppy from chewing on items they shouldn’t is to provide them with safe chew toys. Puppies need to chew on things to help them relieve boredom and satisfy their natural need to chew. To help them do this, you should provide them with safe chew toys that are designed specifically for puppies. These toys should be durable, safe and attractive to your puppy.

You can find a variety of safe chew toys at your local pet store. Be sure to select toys that are appropriate for your puppy’s size and age. Additionally, it may be helpful to rotate the toys regularly to keep your puppy’s interest.

Use Deterrent Sprays

Another way to stop a puppy from chewing on items they shouldn’t is to use deterrent sprays. These sprays contain a bitter-tasting substance that helps discourage puppies from chewing on items. These sprays are safe and easy to use. Simply spray the deterrent spray on the items you don’t want your puppy to chew on and it will help to keep them away.

It is important to remember that deterrent sprays are not a substitute for supervision and training. They should only be used as an additional tool to help discourage your puppy from chewing on items they shouldn’t.

Provide Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective and humane way to train your puppy. Whenever your puppy chews on an appropriate item, such as a chew toy, be sure to praise them and give them a treat. This will help to reinforce the desired behavior and will help your puppy learn what they should and should not chew on.

Be sure to avoid punishing your puppy if they chew on an item they shouldn’t. Punishment can be confusing and can cause your puppy to be fearful or anxious. Instead, use positive reinforcement to help your puppy learn what is acceptable to chew on.

Supervise Your Puppy

It is important to supervise your puppy when they are not in their crate or confined area. This will help you to catch them in the act if they are chewing on something they shouldn’t. If you catch them in the act, be sure to take the item away and provide them with a safe chew toy. Additionally, be sure to praise them when they chew on the appropriate items.

By supervising your puppy, you can help to prevent them from getting into trouble and help them learn what they should and should not chew on.


Stopping a puppy from chewing can be a challenge, but with the right guidance and training, it can be done. Be sure to provide your puppy with safe chew toys, use deterrent sprays and provide positive reinforcement. Additionally, be sure to supervise your puppy to help them learn what they should and should not chew on. With these tips, you can help to stop your puppy from chewing on items they shouldn’t.

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