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How to Stop Your Puppy From Whining

Having a puppy can be a great joy, but it can also bring challenges. One of the most common challenges is dealing with a puppy’s whining. While it might seem like a minor issue, it can be quite annoying. Fortunately, it is possible to train your puppy to stop whining. In this article, we’ll discuss how to stop a puppy from whining and provide tips to help you succeed.

Identifying the Cause of Whining

The first step to getting your puppy to stop whining is to identify the cause of their whining. It’s important to note that puppies rarely whine for no reason. Understanding why your puppy is whining is essential to addressing the issue. Common causes of whining include loneliness, hunger, fear, and boredom.

If your puppy is whining out of loneliness, you should consider spending more time with them. If they’re whining out of hunger, make sure they’re getting enough food and water. If they’re whining out of fear, try to make them feel more secure. And if they’re whining out of boredom, make sure they’re getting enough exercise and mental stimulation.

Ignoring the Whining

Once you’ve identified the cause of your puppy’s whining, the next step is to ignore it. This is a bit counterintuitive, but it’s an important part of the training process. When puppies whine, they’re looking for attention. If you give them attention, even in the form of scolding, you’ll reinforce the behavior. Ignoring the whining is the best way to make it stop.

It’s important to note that ignoring the whining doesn’t mean ignoring your puppy. You should still provide them with plenty of love and attention. Just don’t give them attention when they’re whining.

Providing Positive Reinforcement

Once you’ve started ignoring the whining, it’s time to start providing positive reinforcement. When your puppy stops whining, give them a treat or a toy. This will help reinforce the behavior and make it more likely that they’ll stop whining in the future.

It’s also a good idea to give your puppy plenty of praise when they stop whining. A simple “Good puppy!” or “Well done!” is enough to let them know that they’ve done something good.

Redirecting Attention

If your puppy is still whining, try redirecting their attention. This can be done by giving them something else to focus on. For example, if they’re whining out of boredom, give them a toy or take them for a walk. This will help distract them and give them something else to focus on.

It’s also a good idea to redirect their attention when they start to whine. If you catch them in the act, give them a command such as “sit” or “lay down.” This will help distract them and give them something else to focus on.

Being Consistent

The most important thing to remember when trying to stop your puppy from whining is to be consistent. It’s important to stick to the same routine and not give in to the whining. It might take some time, but eventually your puppy will learn that whining doesn’t get them what they want. This is the key to getting them to stop whining.


Dealing with a puppy’s whining can be frustrating, but it is possible to train them to stop. The key is to identify the cause of the whining, ignore it, provide positive reinforcement, redirect their attention, and be consistent. With some patience and dedication, you can get your puppy to stop whining.

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