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How to Stop a Puppy from Humping: A Comprehensive Guide

Humping is a normal behaviour for puppies, but this doesn’t mean that you have to accept it. Luckily, there are many ways to stop a puppy from humping. In this article, we’ll take a look at the most effective methods and provide some helpful tips on how to prevent humping from happening in the first place. Read on to find out how to stop a puppy from humping.

Why Do Puppies Hump?

Puppies may hump for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common are boredom, frustration, and excitement. Humping is a way for puppies to release their energy and express their feelings. It can also be a sign of dominance. If a puppy is trying to assert their dominance over another animal or person, they may start humping to show their superiority.

It's important to note that humping is a normal behaviour in puppies, and while it can be annoying, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a problem. It’s only when the humping becomes excessive or disruptive that it’s time to take action.

How to Stop a Puppy from Humping

There are a few different ways to stop a puppy from humping. Here are some of the most effective methods:

  • Redirect the behaviour: This is one of the most effective ways to stop a puppy from humping. When you notice your puppy starting to hump, redirect their attention to a toy or activity that will keep them busy. This will help to prevent them from continuing the behaviour.
  • Ignore the behaviour: If you catch your puppy humping, the best thing to do is to ignore the behaviour. Don’t give your puppy any attention when they are humping, as this can reinforce the behaviour. Instead, wait until they stop and then reward them with a treat or a toy.
  • Use distraction techniques: If your puppy is humping, try to distract them with a loud noise or an interesting toy. This can help to break the habit and redirect their attention to something else.
  • Make sure they get enough exercise: Puppies need plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. Make sure that your puppy is getting enough physical and mental stimulation throughout the day. This can help to reduce humping behaviour.
  • Provide plenty of chew toys: Chew toys can help to keep your puppy entertained and can also help to redirect their attention away from humping. Make sure to provide plenty of chew toys for your puppy to keep them occupied.

How to Prevent Humping

The best way to stop a puppy from humping is to prevent the behaviour from happening in the first place. Here are some tips on how to prevent humping:

  • Neuter or spay your puppy: Neutering or spaying your puppy can help to reduce humping behaviour. This is because neutering or spaying can reduce a puppy's hormone levels, making them less likely to hump.
  • Provide plenty of mental stimulation: Mental stimulation is important for puppies, as it can help to keep them occupied and prevent boredom. Make sure to provide plenty of stimulating activities such as puzzle toys, training sessions, and playtime.
  • Teach your puppy appropriate behaviour: Teaching your puppy appropriate behaviour is important for preventing humping. Make sure to teach them basic commands such as sit and stay, and reward them with treats when they obey.
  • Supervise playtime: If your puppy is playing with other animals or people, it’s important to supervise them to make sure that humping isn’t happening. If you notice your puppy starting to hump, immediately redirect their attention to something else.


Humping is a normal behaviour for puppies, but it doesn’t mean that you have to accept it. There are many ways to stop a puppy from humping, from redirecting their attention to ignoring the behaviour. It’s also important to prevent humping from happening in the first place, by providing plenty of mental stimulation and teaching your puppy appropriate behaviour. With the right methods and a bit of patience, you can help your puppy to stop humping.

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