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How Old Should You Train Your Puppy?

Training your puppy is an important part of owning a pet. Knowing when to start and how to go about it can be difficult. This article will explore when puppies should be trained, what types of commands to start with, and how to ensure success.

When to Start Training

The ideal age to start training a puppy is between 8-12 weeks. At this age, puppies have started to adjust to their new environment and are ready to learn new commands. If you adopt an older puppy, start training as soon as possible. It will be more difficult to teach an older puppy but with patience and consistency, you can still have success.

Types of Commands

When teaching a puppy, it is important to start with the basics. Teach them commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come”. These commands are essential for keeping your puppy safe and teach them self-control. Once your puppy has mastered these commands, you can start teaching them more advanced commands such as “lay down”, “leave it”, and “drop it”.

Positive Reinforcement

It is important to use positive reinforcement when training your puppy. Reward them with treats and praise when they do something correctly. Avoid punishing them when they make mistakes as this can cause them to be fearful or aggressive. Instead, focus on praising them when they do something right.

Patience and Consistency

Training a puppy takes time and patience. Some puppies will learn faster than others, so don’t get discouraged if your puppy isn’t learning as quickly as you’d like. Be consistent with your training and practice the commands regularly. This will help your puppy learn faster and remember the commands longer.


In addition to commands, it is important to socialise your puppy. This means introducing them to other people, animals, and environments. This will help them become more comfortable in new situations and help them learn how to interact with other animals. Taking them to the dog park, on walks, and to puppy classes are all great ways to socialise your puppy.


Training your puppy is an important part of owning a pet. The ideal age to start training a puppy is between 8-12 weeks. Start by teaching them basic commands such as “sit”, “stay”, and “come”. Use positive reinforcement such as treats and praise when they do something correctly. Be patient and consistent with your training and remember to socialise your puppy to help them become comfortable in new situations.

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