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How to Get a Puppy to Lie Down: A Step-by-Step Guide

Getting your puppy to lie down is a crucial part of training them. It helps to create a bond between you and your pup, as well as teaching them to obey your commands. This step-by-step guide will help you get your puppy to lie down quickly and easily, so you can start training them in no time!

Introducing the Lie Down Command

The first step to getting your puppy to lie down is to introduce the command. Start by saying the command ‘lie down’ in a gentle but firm voice. You can use a hand signal at the same time, such as pointing to the floor. Be sure to reward your puppy when they get it right with a treat or a pat on the head.

It’s important to be patient with your puppy. They won’t learn the command overnight, and it may take a few days or even weeks before they understand it. Be consistent with your commands and reward them each time they do the right thing.

Luring the Puppy into a Down Position

Once your puppy is familiar with the command, you can start to get them to lie down on command. To do this, you need to lure them into the position. Hold a treat in your hand and place it on the floor in front of your puppy. As they go to take the treat, use the command ‘lie down’. When they do, reward them with the treat and a pat on the head.

Repeat this process a few times until your puppy starts to understand what you want them to do. Once they start to get the hang of it, you can start to phase out the treat and just use the command and hand signal. Be sure to reward them each time they get it right.

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to get your puppy to lie down. When your puppy is in the down position, reward them with a treat or a pat on the head. This will help them to understand that this is the behaviour you want and will encourage them to do it more often.

It’s also important to avoid punishing your puppy when they don’t do what you want. This can lead to confusion and can make them reluctant to obey your commands. Instead, focus on rewarding them when they get it right and be patient with them when they don’t.

Practising the Lie Down Command

Once your puppy is familiar with the command, you need to practise it regularly. This will help to reinforce the behaviour and will make it easier for them to obey your commands. Try to practise the command in different environments, such as indoors and outdoors, to help them get used to it.

It’s also important to keep the training sessions short and fun. If your puppy gets bored or frustrated, take a break and try again later. This will help them to stay focused and will make the training process more enjoyable for both of you.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

If your puppy isn’t responding to the command or is having difficulty understanding it, there are a few things you can do to help them. Here are some common problems and how to solve them:

  • Your puppy is distracted: If your puppy is easily distracted, try to remove any potential distractions. This could mean taking them to a quiet room or area, or even having someone else hold their attention while you give the command.
  • Your puppy won’t stay in the down position: If your puppy keeps getting up, try to keep them in the position by gently holding their collar. Once they stay in the position for a few seconds, reward them with a treat or a pat on the head.
  • Your puppy won’t lie down: If your puppy won’t lie down, try using the lure technique described above. Hold the treat in your hand and place it on the floor in front of them. As they go to take the treat, use the command ‘lie down’. When they do, reward them with the treat and a pat on the head.


Getting your puppy to lie down is a great way to start training them. By introducing the command and using positive reinforcement, you can teach your puppy to lie down quickly and easily. Just be sure to be patient and consistent with your commands and rewards, and your puppy will soon understand what you want them to do.

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