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How to Get Your Puppy to Poop Outside

Housebreaking a puppy is one of the most challenging tasks for any pet owner. Teaching your puppy to poop outside can be a difficult and time-consuming process. However, with patience and consistency, you can get your puppy to poop outside easily. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to get your puppy to poop outside.

Schedule Feedings

The first step in teaching your puppy to poop outside is to establish a regular feeding schedule. This helps your puppy to establish a regular elimination routine. Feed your puppy at the same time each day and limit the amount of food and water they consume. This will help your puppy to learn when it is time to poop and will make it easier to train them to go outside.

If you are feeding your puppy dry food, it is recommended that you divide their daily ration into two or three meals. This will help to keep their digestive system regular and will make it easier to predict when they will need to eliminate.

Take Your Puppy Outside Regularly

The next step in getting your puppy to poop outside is to take them outside regularly. After meals, exercise, and naps, take your puppy outside to a designated spot for them to eliminate. Make sure you take them to the same spot every time, as this will help them to learn the routine.

When you take your puppy outside, it is important to stay with them and be patient. Your puppy may take some time before they are ready to eliminate. If they do not go within 10 minutes, take them back inside and try again in 15-20 minutes.

Reward and Praise

When your puppy eliminates outside, it is important to reward and praise them. Give them a small treat and lots of verbal praise. This will reinforce the behavior and will help your puppy to learn that they are doing the right thing.

It is also a good idea to use a command such as “go potty” when you take your puppy outside. This will help them to learn the command and will make it easier for them to understand what you want them to do.

Clean Up Accidents

Accidents are bound to happen when housebreaking a puppy. If your puppy has an accident in the house, it is important to clean it up as soon as possible. Use an enzymatic cleaner to remove the smell and discourage your puppy from going in the same spot again.

It is also important to not punish your puppy for accidents. Punishing them will only confuse them and may make it harder for them to learn. If your puppy has an accident, simply take them outside and try again.

Be Consistent

The key to success when housebreaking your puppy is consistency. It is important to establish a routine and stick to it. Take your puppy outside at the same times each day and reward and praise them when they eliminate outside.

It is also important to be patient. Housebreaking a puppy takes time and patience. It may take several weeks or months before your puppy is fully housebroken. However, with consistency and dedication, you can get your puppy to poop outside.


Teaching your puppy to poop outside can be a difficult and time-consuming process. However, with patience and consistency, you can get your puppy to poop outside easily. Establish a regular feeding schedule, take your puppy outside regularly, reward and praise them when they eliminate outside, and clean up any accidents. Be patient and consistent, and your puppy will learn to go potty outside in no time.

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