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8 Week Old Puppy Training Schedule: A Step-by-Step Guide

Training a puppy is an important part of pet ownership. An 8-week old puppy is still young and learning the basics of puppy training. This guide provides a step-by-step guide to create an effective 8 week old puppy training schedule that will help your pup learn essential skills.

Step 1: Understand Puppy Development

Puppies go through different stages of development as they grow. During the 8-week period, puppies are developing social skills, learning to recognize their owners, and developing basic commands. It's important to understand puppy development to create an effective 8 week old puppy training schedule.

Puppies learn best through positive reinforcement and consistent repetition. This means that it's important to use rewards and praise when your puppy does something correctly. Rewards can include treats, toys, or verbal praise. It's also important to be consistent with your commands, so that your puppy can learn them quickly.

Step 2: Create a Training Routine

Creating a training routine is essential for an 8 week old puppy. This will help your puppy learn basic commands and behaviors, as well as help them adjust to their new home. A good training routine should include:

  • Potty Training: Start teaching your puppy to go to the bathroom outside and to recognize the command “go potty.”
  • Crate Training: Teach your puppy to go into their crate when you say the command “crate.”
  • Basic Commands: Teach your puppy basic commands such as “sit,” “come,” and “stay.”
  • Socialization: Allow your puppy to interact with other people and animals to help them develop social skills.

Creating a routine will help you keep track of your puppy's progress and ensure that they are learning the necessary skills. It's also important to be patient and consistent with your puppy, as this will help them learn faster.

Step 3: Set a Training Schedule

Once you have created a training routine, it's time to set a training schedule. An 8-week old puppy should be trained for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a day. It's important to keep the sessions short and sweet, as puppies have short attention spans and can easily become bored or frustrated.

It's also important to provide your puppy with plenty of breaks. During the breaks, you can give your puppy lots of love and attention, as well as provide them with rewards for good behavior. This will help reinforce the training and keep your puppy motivated.

Step 4: Establish Boundaries

In order to create an effective 8 week old puppy training schedule, it's important to establish boundaries. This means that you should create rules and boundaries for your puppy, such as not jumping on the furniture or chewing on things that they shouldn't. It's important to be consistent with the rules and to enforce them when necessary.

It's also important to provide your puppy with plenty of exercise. Taking your puppy for walks and playing with them will help them get the physical and mental stimulation they need. This will also help them burn off excess energy and stay calm during training sessions.

Step 5: Monitor Progress

Finally, it's important to monitor your puppy's progress. This means that you should keep track of their progress and make adjustments to the 8 week old puppy training schedule as necessary. For example, if your puppy is not responding to certain commands, you may want to try a different approach or add more repetition.

It's also important to reward your puppy for good behavior. This will help reinforce the training and keep your puppy motivated. Rewards can include treats, toys, or verbal praise.


Creating an 8 week old puppy training schedule is an important part of pet ownership. An effective schedule should include potty training, crate training, basic commands, socialization, and exercise. It's also important to be patient and consistent with your puppy, as this will help them learn faster. Finally, it's important to monitor your puppy's progress and reward them for good behavior.

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