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Potty Training Your 11 Week Old Puppy

Potty training your 11 week old puppy can be a daunting task. It takes patience, dedication, and consistency to successfully potty train a puppy. This article will provide you with the essential tips and tricks to help you and your puppy tackle potty training with ease. With the right approach, you and your puppy can master potty training in no time!

Understand Your Puppy's Needs

Before you start potty training your 11 week old puppy, it's important to understand their needs. Puppies have small bladders and need to go to the bathroom frequently. You should take them out every 30 minutes to an hour for potty breaks. Also, puppies are very curious and may try to explore their environment. It's important to be patient and understanding with your puppy as they learn and explore.

In addition to understanding your puppy's needs, it's also important to establish a consistent routine. This will help your puppy understand when it's time to go potty and when it's time to play or eat. Having a consistent routine will also make it easier for you to monitor your puppy's potty habits.

Choose a Potty Spot

Choosing a potty spot for your 11 week old puppy is an important step in potty training. The potty spot should be located in an area that is easily accessible for your puppy. This will make it easier for them to go to the bathroom when they need to. It's also important to make sure the potty spot is away from your puppy's eating and sleeping areas. This will help your puppy understand that the potty spot is only for going to the bathroom.

Reward Your Puppy

Once you've established a potty spot, it's time to start rewarding your 11 week old puppy for going to the bathroom in the right place. Rewards are a great way to reinforce good potty habits in puppies. Every time your puppy goes to the bathroom in the right spot, be sure to give them a treat or some verbal praise. This will help them understand that going to the bathroom in the right spot is a good thing.

Be Patient and Consistent

Potty training an 11 week old puppy can be a challenging process. It's important to be patient and consistent when potty training your puppy. Your puppy will make mistakes, but with patience and consistency, they will eventually learn the right potty habits. It's also important to remember that puppies have small bladders and need to go to the bathroom frequently. Be sure to take them out for potty breaks every 30 minutes to an hour.

Clean Up Accidents Quickly

Accidents will happen while potty training your 11 week old puppy. It's important to clean up accidents quickly and thoroughly. Puppies have a strong sense of smell and will be drawn to areas where they've gone to the bathroom before. If you don't clean up the accident properly, your puppy may go to the bathroom in the same spot again. Use an enzymatic cleaner to remove odors and make sure the area is completely dry before allowing your puppy back in the area.

Be Prepared for Setbacks

As you potty train your 11 week old puppy, you may experience some setbacks. Be prepared for these setbacks and don't get discouraged. Puppies are still learning and mistakes are part of the process. If you find that your puppy is having trouble with potty training, take a step back and reassess the situation. You may need to adjust your potty training approach or change up your rewards system. With patience and consistency, you and your puppy will eventually master potty training.


Potty training an 11 week old puppy can be a challenging process. It takes patience, dedication, and consistency to successfully potty train a puppy. It's important to understand your puppy's needs, establish a consistent routine, choose a potty spot, reward your puppy, and be prepared for setbacks. With the right approach, you and your puppy can master potty training in no time!

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