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Best Way To Train A Puppy To Pee Outside

Training a puppy to pee outside is an important part of housebreaking them. This article provides tips and advice on the best way to train a puppy to pee outside, and how to ensure that it sticks. With the right approach and patience, you can easily teach your puppy to pee outside and make sure it sticks.

Start Early

The best way to train a puppy to pee outside is to start early. Puppies need to be trained as soon as they arrive in their new home. This will help them to get used to their new surroundings and will also help them learn to pee outside quickly. It is important to remember that puppies do not have full control over their bladders until they are about 6 months old, so it is important to be patient and consistent with the training.

You should also make sure that you are taking your puppy outside to pee every couple of hours, especially after meals or playtime. This will help your puppy to associate going outside with peeing and will make the process much easier.

Choose A Potty Spot

When training a puppy to pee outside, it is important to choose a designated potty spot. This should be an area of your garden or yard that is easy for your puppy to access and that you can keep an eye on. You should also make sure that it is in an area where your puppy will not be disturbed or distracted by other animals or people.

When you take your puppy to the potty spot, you should use the same phrase or command each time. This will help your puppy to understand that they are supposed to pee in that specific area.

Have A Reward System

Having a reward system in place is one of the best ways to train a puppy to pee outside. Whenever your puppy pees in the designated potty spot, you should give them a treat or some verbal praise. This will help them to understand that peeing outside is a good thing and will encourage them to do it again. You should also make sure that you are not punishing your puppy for peeing indoors, as this can make them afraid to pee outside.

You should also make sure that you are taking your puppy outside to pee at the same times each day. This will help them to form a routine and will make it easier for them to remember to pee outside.

Be Patient

When training a puppy to pee outside, it is important to be patient. Housebreaking a puppy can take time and you should not expect them to learn overnight. You should also make sure that you are consistent with the training and that you are taking your puppy outside to pee at the same times each day. If you are patient and consistent with the training, your puppy will eventually learn to pee outside.

You should also make sure that you are not punishing your puppy for accidents. Accidents are a part of housebreaking a puppy and you should not expect them to learn overnight. If you are patient and consistent with the training, your puppy will eventually learn to pee outside.

Prevent Accidents

To prevent accidents, you should keep an eye on your puppy at all times. Whenever you see them sniffing around or circling, you should take them outside to pee. This will help them to learn to associate going outside with peeing and will also help to prevent accidents. You should also make sure that you are not leaving your puppy alone for too long, as this can lead to accidents.

You should also make sure that you are cleaning up any accidents quickly and thoroughly. This will help to prevent your puppy from going back to the same spot to pee again.


Training a puppy to pee outside is an important part of housebreaking them. With the right approach and patience, you can easily teach your puppy to pee outside and make sure it sticks. You should start early, choose a designated potty spot, have a reward system in place, be patient, and prevent accidents. With these tips, you can easily train your puppy to pee outside and make sure it sticks.

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