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How to Stop Your Puppy From Peeing in the House

House training a puppy can be a challenge for pet owners. It’s important to be consistent and patient when teaching your pup to pee in the right place. Here, we’ll discuss some tips on how to stop your puppy from peeing in the house, and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

Understand Your Puppy's Behaviour

Before you can effectively tackle the issue of puppy peeing in the house, it’s important to understand why it’s happening in the first place. Puppies are naturally curious and will explore their environment. They may also be marking their territory by peeing in the house. It’s also possible that your puppy is feeling anxious or stressed, which can lead to peeing in the house.

It’s important to observe your puppy’s behaviour and look for any potential triggers. If you notice that the puppy is peeing when you leave the house, it could be a sign of separation anxiety. If the puppy is peeing when visitors come over, it could be due to fear or excitement.

Once you’ve identified the potential cause of the behaviour, you can start to take steps to address it.

Establish a Potty Training Routine

Establishing a potty training routine is essential for housebreaking your puppy. Set up a regular schedule for taking your puppy out to pee, such as after meals and naps, and when you first wake up in the morning. You should also take your puppy out after playtime, when visitors come over, and when they’ve been in the house for more than an hour. You should also take them out when they’re showing signs of wanting to pee, such as sniffing the ground or circling.

When you take your puppy outside, make sure to take them to the same spot each time. This will help them get used to the idea of going to the bathroom in the same place, and will make it easier for them to learn.

You should also reward your puppy when they pee in the right place, with treats or praise. This will help them learn that peeing outside is a good thing.

Supervise Your Puppy

It’s important to keep an eye on your puppy when they’re indoors, as this will help you catch them in the act if they start to pee in the house. If you catch them in the act, immediately take them outside to the designated potty spot. If you don’t catch them in the act, don’t punish them, as this will only make them more anxious and could make the problem worse.

When you’re not home, you should confine your puppy to a safe area and make sure that it’s puppy-proofed. This will help to prevent accidents, and will give them a safe place to go when they need to pee.

Clean Up Accidents Immediately

If your puppy does have an accident, it’s important to clean it up as soon as possible. Not only is it important to keep your house clean, but it will also help to prevent your puppy from returning to the spot to pee again. If you don’t clean up the spot, the puppy will be able to smell the urine, and will be drawn back to the spot.

When cleaning up the accident, make sure to use an enzymatic cleaner, as this will help to neutralize the smell and will prevent your puppy from returning to the spot.

Provide an Appropriate Potty Spot

If you have a yard, you should set up a designated potty spot for your puppy. This should be a spot that’s easily accessible, and that your puppy can get to quickly. You can use a pee pad, or you can use a patch of grass or dirt. You should also mark the area with a sign or a flag, so that your puppy knows where to go.

If you don’t have a yard, you can set up a potty spot indoors. You can use a pee pad, or you can use a patch of artificial grass. You should also mark the area with a sign or a flag, so that your puppy knows where to go.


House training a puppy can be a challenge, but with patience and consistency, you can teach your puppy to pee in the right place. The key is to understand your puppy’s behaviour, establish a potty training routine, supervise your puppy, clean up accidents immediately, and provide an appropriate potty spot. With these tips, you can help your puppy learn to pee in the right place, and prevent them from peeing in the house.

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