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How to Stop Your Puppy Peeing in the House

Are you fed up with your puppy peeing in the house? Do you want to know how to stop this annoying behaviour? In this article, we will discuss the most effective ways to stop your puppy from peeing in the house and provide you with useful tips and tricks.

Understand Why Your Puppy is Peeing

The first step to stop your puppy from peeing in the house is to understand why they are doing it in the first place. Puppies may pee in the house for a number of reasons, such as marking their territory, separation anxiety, or simply not being fully house-trained yet.

Marking Territory – Puppies may pee in the house as a way to mark their territory. This is especially common in male puppies. To prevent this behaviour, make sure that your puppy is neutered and that the house is puppy-proofed.

Separation Anxiety – Puppies may pee in the house out of separation anxiety. This is especially common in puppies that have been recently separated from their mother or littermates. To prevent this behaviour, make sure that your puppy has plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied and that they are getting enough exercise.

Not Being Fully House-trained – Puppies may also pee in the house because they are not yet fully house-trained. To prevent this behaviour, make sure that your puppy is getting regular potty breaks and that they are being rewarded for going in the right spot.

Create a Potty Schedule

Once you have identified why your puppy is peeing in the house, the next step is to create a potty schedule. This will help your puppy understand when it’s time to go to the bathroom and will make it easier for them to learn good potty habits. Here are some tips for creating a potty schedule:

  • Create a Routine – Create a routine for your puppy and stick to it. Take them out to the same spot at the same time each day and be consistent with your commands.
  • Reward Good Behaviour – Make sure to reward your puppy when they go to the bathroom in the right spot. This will help them understand that this behaviour is desirable and will encourage them to do it more often.
  • Be Patient – Training your puppy to go to the bathroom in the right spot can take time. Be patient and don’t get frustrated if your puppy has accidents.

Clean Up Accidents Immediately

It is important to clean up any accidents as soon as they happen. This will help to prevent your puppy from continuing to pee in that spot. Use a pet-safe cleaning product to remove the urine and any lingering odour. You can also use a blacklight to help you identify any hard-to-find spots.

Provide Plenty of Exercise

Make sure that your puppy is getting enough exercise. This will help to prevent them from getting bored and will also help to keep them healthy. Take your puppy for regular walks and play with them in the yard. This will help them to burn off excess energy and will make them less likely to pee in the house.


Stopping your puppy from peeing in the house can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. By understanding why your puppy is peeing in the house, creating a potty schedule, cleaning up accidents immediately, and providing plenty of exercise, you can help to prevent this behaviour and teach your puppy to go to the bathroom in the right spot.

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