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First Tricks To Teach Your Puppy

Teaching your puppy tricks is a great way to bond with them and provide them with mental stimulation. It’s also a great way to show off your pup’s talents in front of your friends and family. Here are some of the most popular first tricks to teach your puppy and get them started on their journey to becoming a master trickster.


The ‘sit’ command is the most basic and important command you can teach your puppy. It is the foundation for all other commands and can help you keep control of your pup in public. To teach your pup to sit, start by having them stand facing you. Hold a treat in front of their nose and move it slowly up and over their head. As their nose follows the treat, their hind end should drop into a sitting position. As soon as they sit, give them the treat and plenty of praise. After a few repetitions, add the verbal ‘sit’ command and they should soon catch on.


The ‘down’ command is a great addition to the ‘sit’ command and can help you keep your pup calm and under control. To teach the ‘down’ command, start by having them sit facing you. Then hold a treat in front of their nose and move it slowly downwards towards the ground. As their nose follows the treat, their front end should drop into a down position. As soon as they are in the down position, give them the treat and plenty of praise. After a few repetitions, add the verbal ‘down’ command and they should soon catch on.


The ‘stay’ command is an important command to teach your pup to stay in one place until you give them the okay to move. To teach the ‘stay’ command, start by having them sit or down facing you. Then hold your hand up with your palm facing out and say ‘stay’. Slowly take one step away from them, and if they stay, give them a treat and plenty of praise. Gradually increase the distance and the length of time they stay until they can stay in one place for a few minutes. Once your pup has mastered the ‘stay’ command, you can use it to keep them in place when you need to answer the door or take a phone call.


The ‘come’ command is an important command to teach your pup to come to you when called. To teach the ‘come’ command, start by having your pup on a leash and have them sit or down facing you. Then call their name and say ‘come’. As soon as they start to come towards you, give them plenty of praise and a treat. Gradually increase the distance and the length of time they stay until they can come to you on command from any distance. Once your pup has mastered the ‘come’ command, you can use it to recall them when they are running off or getting into trouble.

Leave It

The ‘leave it’ command is an important command to teach your pup to leave something that they shouldn’t be playing with or eating. To teach the ‘leave it’ command, start by having your pup on a leash and have them sit or down facing you. Then hold a treat in one hand and a toy or other item in the other hand. Show your pup the treat and say ‘leave it’. As soon as they look away from the treat and look at you, give them the treat and plenty of praise. Gradually increase the difficulty by using different items and having them leave the item for longer periods of time. Once your pup has mastered the ‘leave it’ command, you can use it to keep them away from dangerous items or keep them from eating something they shouldn’t.


The ‘fetch’ command is a great way to tire out your pup and have some fun together. To teach the ‘fetch’ command, start by having your pup on a leash and have them sit or down facing you. Then show them a toy and say ‘fetch’. As soon as they grab the toy, give them plenty of praise and a treat. Gradually increase the distance and the length of time they stay until they can fetch the toy on command from any distance. Once your pup has mastered the ‘fetch’ command, you can use it to keep them entertained and give them some exercise.


Teaching your puppy tricks is a great way to bond with them and provide them with mental stimulation. These are some of the most popular first tricks to teach your puppy and get them started on their journey to becoming a master trickster. With patience and consistency, you and your pup will soon be impressing your friends and family with their newly acquired skills.

First tricks to teach puppy are an important part of training and socialising your pup. With patience and consistency, you and your pup will soon be impressing your friends and family with their newly acquired skills. Here are some of the most popular first tricks to teach your puppy:

  • Sit - A great foundation for all other commands and can help you keep control of your pup in public.
  • Down - A great addition to the ‘sit’ command and can help you keep your pup calm and under control.
  • Stay - An important command to teach your pup to stay in one place until you give them the okay to move.
  • Come - An important command to teach your pup to come to you when called.
  • Leave It - An important command to teach your pup to leave something that they shouldn’t be playing with or eating.
  • Fetch - A great way to tire out your pup and have some fun together.

With these first tricks to teach puppy, you and your pup will be on your way to becoming a master trickster in no time. Good luck and have fun!

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