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How to Teach Your Dog to Stay: A Comprehensive Guide

Teaching your dog to stay is an important part of training. It is essential for keeping your pup safe and allowing him to explore the world with you. In this comprehensive guide, you will learn the basics of teaching your dog to stay, including different methods and tips for success.

What is the Stay Command?

The stay command is a command that tells your dog to remain in the same spot until given a release command. This is different from the sit command, which asks your pup to sit down and remain in that position until released. The stay command requires your dog to stay in the same spot, no matter how long it takes.

The stay command is an important part of basic obedience training and should be taught early on in your pup's life.

How to Teach Your Dog to Stay

Teaching your pup to stay is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. It is important to start by teaching your pup the sit command first, as this will make it easier to teach the stay command.

Step 1: Start With a Treat

Start by giving your pup a treat and asking them to sit. Once they are in the sit position, hold the treat in front of their nose and slowly move it away from them. This will encourage them to stay in the sit position as they will be following the treat.

Step 2: Give the Stay Command

Once your pup is in the sit position, give the stay command. You can say “stay” or use a hand signal to indicate that you want them to stay in the same spot. Make sure to use the same command and/or hand signal each time.

Step 3: Release and Reward

Once your pup has stayed in the sit position for a few seconds, give the release command. You can say “okay” or use a hand signal to indicate that they can now move. Give them a treat and lots of praise for staying in the spot.

Step 4: Repeat and Increase Duration

Repeat this process a few times, gradually increasing the amount of time that your pup stays in the spot. As your pup gets better at staying in the spot, you can start to move further away from them and increase the duration of the stay command.

Tips for Teaching Your Dog to Stay

Here are a few tips to help you teach your pup to stay:

  • Be Patient: Training your pup to stay can take some time, so it is important to be patient with your pup. They may not get it right away, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a few tries.
  • Reward Immediately: Make sure to reward your pup immediately after they stay in the spot. This will help reinforce the behavior and make it more likely that they will stay in the spot next time.
  • Use Distractions: Using distractions can help your pup learn to stay in the spot even when there are other things going on around them. Try using toys or food to distract them while they are in the stay position.
  • Practice Often: The more you practice the stay command, the better your pup will get at it. Try to practice at least once a day to help your pup learn the command.


Teaching your pup to stay is an important part of basic obedience training. It is a simple process that can be done in a few easy steps. By following these steps and using the tips provided, you can teach your pup to stay in no time. With patience and consistency, you and your pup will be able to master the stay command in no time.

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