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Hitting a Puppy to Stop Biting: Is It a Good Idea?

It is not uncommon for young puppies to bite during their teething period. While it is important to address the behaviour, it is not advisable to hit a puppy to stop it from biting. In this article, we discuss the reasons why hitting a puppy to stop biting is not a good idea, and provide alternatives that are more effective and humane.

The Reasons Why Hitting a Puppy to Stop Biting Is Not a Good Idea

It Does Not Address the Underlying Problem: Hitting a puppy to stop it from biting may stop the behaviour in the short-term, but it does not address the underlying problem. This means that the behaviour can return in the future, or the puppy may develop other unwanted behaviours.

It Can Make the Problem Worse: Hitting a puppy to stop it from biting can make the problem worse, as the puppy may become fearful or aggressive. In some cases, the puppy may start biting more often or harder as a result.

It Can Lead to Long-Term Negative Consequences: Hitting a puppy to stop it from biting can lead to long-term negative consequences, such as the puppy becoming fearful, anxious, or aggressive. This can make it difficult for the puppy to form a trusting relationship with humans, and can cause it to become a danger to other animals or people.

Alternatives to Hitting a Puppy to Stop Biting

Fortunately, there are alternatives to hitting a puppy to stop it from biting that are more effective and humane. Below are some of the most effective alternatives:

  • Redirect the Puppy's Attention: Whenever the puppy starts to bite, try to redirect its attention to something else. This could be a toy, a treat, or a game. This will help the puppy to associate biting with something negative, and will discourage it from biting in the future.
  • Avoid Hand-Feeding: Puppies are more likely to bite if they are hand-fed. Therefore, it is important to avoid hand-feeding the puppy and instead provide it with its food in a bowl. This will help the puppy to understand that it should not bite people.
  • Provide Positive Reinforcement: Whenever the puppy stops biting, it is important to provide positive reinforcement, such as praise or a treat. This will help the puppy to understand that it is being rewarded for not biting.
  • Provide Appropriate Chew Toys: Puppies often bite as a result of teething. Therefore, it is important to provide the puppy with appropriate chew toys that it can use to satisfy its need to chew. This will help to prevent the puppy from biting people or furniture.
  • Train the Puppy: It is important to train the puppy from a young age. This will help the puppy to understand which behaviours are acceptable and which are not. Training will also help the puppy to understand commands such as "no biting".
  • Consult a Professional: If the above methods do not work, it is important to consult a professional. A professional trainer or behaviourist can provide advice and help the puppy to learn to stop biting.


In conclusion, it is not advisable to hit a puppy to stop it from biting. Hitting a puppy can make the problem worse, and can lead to long-term negative consequences. Fortunately, there are alternatives that are more effective and humane, such as redirecting the puppy's attention, avoiding hand-feeding, providing positive reinforcement, providing appropriate chew toys, training the puppy, and consulting a professional.

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