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Do Puppies Stop Biting After Teething?

Puppy biting is a common problem for new pet owners. It can be especially stressful when the puppy is teething and their biting seems to increase. Fortunately, there are strategies for addressing the issue so that the puppy can learn to stop biting. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of puppy teething and biting to help you understand the process better and develop a plan to address it.

What is Teething and When Does it Occur?

Teething is the natural process of a puppy’s baby teeth being replaced by adult teeth. This process typically begins when the puppy is around 3 months old and continues until around 6-7 months of age. During this time, the puppy’s gums may be sore and irritated, leading them to chew on items to try and relieve the discomfort. This is why it’s important to provide your puppy with appropriate chew toys during this time.

In addition to chewing, puppies may also bite during this period. This is due to their lack of impulse control and their need to explore the world around them. They may bite in order to play, to get attention, or simply out of curiosity.

Why Do Puppies Bite Even After Teething?

Even after the teething process is complete, puppies may still bite for a variety of reasons. Some common reasons for biting include:

  • Lack of socialisation: Puppies that are not properly socialised may be more likely to bite out of fear or uncertainty.
  • Lack of discipline: Puppies that are not taught how to behave properly may continue to bite out of habit.
  • Exploring: Puppies may bite out of curiosity as they explore their environment.
  • Stress: Puppies may bite out of stress if they are feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

It’s important to understand the reasons why your puppy may be biting so that you can address the problem effectively.

How to Stop Puppy Biting After Teething

The best way to stop puppy biting after teething is to provide them with appropriate outlets for their energy. This includes providing them with plenty of chew toys, plenty of exercise, and plenty of socialisation with people and other animals. Additionally, you should provide consistent discipline and training in order to teach your puppy the proper behaviour.

Here are some tips for addressing puppy biting:

  • Redirect: When your puppy is biting, redirect their attention to a chew toy or other appropriate item.
  • Distract: If your puppy is getting too excited, distract them with a game or a treat.
  • Train: Use positive reinforcement to train your puppy not to bite. Reward them when they behave properly and ignore them when they don’t.
  • Provide Outlets: Make sure your puppy has plenty of outlets for their energy, such as chew toys and exercise.

It’s important to remember that puppy biting is a normal part of the teething process. Don’t be discouraged if your puppy doesn’t stop biting immediately. With consistent training and discipline, your puppy will eventually learn to stop biting.


Puppy biting is a common problem for new pet owners, especially during the teething process. Fortunately, there are strategies for addressing the issue so that the puppy can learn to stop biting. By providing your puppy with plenty of chew toys, exercise, socialisation, and consistent discipline, you can help your puppy learn to stop biting after teething.

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