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How to Stop a Dog from Biting When Excited

Dogs may bite when they are excited, scared, or in pain. Learning how to stop a dog from biting when excited can help keep you and your pet safe. This article will discuss the causes of excited biting and provide tips and strategies to help you stop the behaviour.

What Causes Dogs to Bite When Excited?

When a dog is excited, they may display signs of excitement such as barking, jumping, or running around. In some cases, a dog may also bite when excited. This behaviour can be caused by a variety of factors, including lack of socialisation, fear, pain, or even a lack of proper training.

In some cases, a dog may bite when they are excited because they don't understand the behaviour or the situation. For example, a dog may become excited when someone new enters the home and may bite out of fear or excitement. Additionally, a dog may bite when they are playing with a toy or another dog and become overly excited.

How to Stop a Dog from Biting When Excited

The best way to stop a dog from biting when excited is to prevent the behaviour before it occurs. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

  • Provide plenty of socialisation and training: Socialising your dog from a young age and providing them with basic obedience training can help them understand how to behave in various situations. This can help reduce the likelihood of biting when excited.
  • Avoid rough play: Rough play can encourage biting, so it's best to avoid it. Instead, opt for gentle, positive reinforcement when playing with your dog.
  • Redirect the behaviour: If your dog begins to exhibit signs of excitement, such as barking or jumping, try to redirect the behaviour by offering them a toy or a treat.
  • Teach the "Leave it" command: Teaching your dog the "Leave it" command can help them learn to walk away from an object or situation that may trigger the behaviour.
  • Provide structure: Establishing a routine and providing structure for your dog can help them understand their boundaries and can help prevent unwanted behaviour.
  • Seek professional help: If you are unable to stop your dog from biting when excited, it's best to seek the help of a professional trainer or behaviourist.

What to Do If Your Dog Bites When Excited

If your dog does bite when excited, it's important to remain calm and take the following steps:

  • Remove yourself from the situation: If your dog begins to bite, remove yourself from the situation by slowly stepping away and avoiding eye contact.
  • Avoid yelling or scolding: Yelling or scolding your dog can make the situation worse, so it's best to remain calm and take a few deep breaths.
  • Redirect the behaviour: Once you are out of the situation, try to redirect the behaviour by offering your dog a toy or a treat.
  • Seek professional help: If the behaviour persists, it's best to seek the help of a professional trainer or behaviourist.


Dogs may bite when they are excited, scared, or in pain. Learning how to stop a dog from biting when excited can help keep you and your pet safe. The best way to stop a dog from biting when excited is to prevent the behaviour before it occurs. This can be done by providing plenty of socialisation and training, avoiding rough play, redirecting the behaviour, teaching the “Leave it” command, providing structure, and seeking professional help. If your dog does bite when excited, it's important to remain calm and take the steps outlined above.

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