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The Ultimate Guide to Crate Potty Training Schedules

Crate potty training is a great way to teach your pup how to go potty on command, and with the right schedule, you can make it easier and more effective. This guide will provide you with the best tips and tricks on setting up a successful crate potty training schedule that will help your pup learn quickly and efficiently.

What is Crate Potty Training?

Crate potty training is a method of teaching your pup to go potty on command. This method involves using a crate or kennel to confine your pup when you’re not able to watch them. This helps to keep your pup from having accidents in the house, and it also helps them learn to hold their bladder and bowels until you let them out.

Crate training is one of the most effective ways to potty train your pup, and with the right schedule, you can make it even more successful.

Why Is Crate Potty Training Effective?

Crate potty training is an effective way to potty train your pup because it helps to reinforce the idea that going potty is something they should only do in certain places. By confining them in their crate, you’re teaching them that they should only go potty when they’re outside or in their designated potty spot. This helps them learn quickly and efficiently.

Crate potty training is also effective because it helps to keep your pup from having accidents in the house. By confining them in their crate, you’re helping to prevent them from having accidents while you’re not around to watch them. This can help to prevent them from developing bad potty habits, such as going potty in the house.

How to Set Up a Crate Potty Training Schedule

Setting up a crate potty training schedule is an important part of potty training your pup. Here are some tips to help you set up a successful crate potty training schedule:

  • Set a Regular Schedule: Establishing a regular schedule is key when it comes to potty training your pup. This means setting a regular time for meals, playtime, and potty breaks. This will help your pup learn when it’s time to go potty and help them develop strong potty habits.
  • Create a Potty Spot: Create a designated potty spot for your pup. This can be a grassy area outside or a potty pad inside. This will help them learn that this is the place where they should go potty.
  • Reward Good Behavior: Whenever your pup goes potty in the designated spot, make sure to reward them. This will help reinforce the idea that going potty in the right place is something they should do.
  • Monitor Crate Time: Make sure to monitor your pup’s time in the crate. If they’re in the crate for too long, they may have an accident. Make sure to let them out for potty breaks every few hours.

Potty Training Tips

In addition to setting up a crate potty training schedule, there are a few other tips that can help you potty train your pup more effectively:

  • Be Patient: Potty training your pup takes time and patience. Don’t get frustrated if your pup isn’t learning as quickly as you’d like. Stick with it and be patient, and your pup will eventually learn.
  • Be Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to potty training. Make sure to stick to the same schedule and reward system every time. This will help your pup learn more quickly and effectively.
  • Use Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is an important part of potty training. Whenever your pup goes potty in the right spot, make sure to reward them with treats or praise. This will help them learn that going potty in the right spot is something they should do.


Crate potty training is a great way to teach your pup to go potty on command. With the right schedule, you can make it even more successful. By setting up a regular schedule, creating a designated potty spot, and using positive reinforcement, you can help your pup learn quickly and efficiently. Crate potty training is an effective way to potty train your pup and can help to prevent them from having accidents in the house.

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