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How To Stop Dogs From Marking Territory In The House

Having a dog in the house can be a joy - but it can also be a challenge when it comes to managing their behaviour. One common issue is when dogs mark their territory inside the house, which can be both unpleasant and difficult to deal with. In this article, we'll explore the reasons dogs mark their territory, and how you can effectively stop them from doing so.

Why Do Dogs Mark Their Territory?

Dogs mark their territory for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is a way of communicating with other dogs. By marking their territory, they are telling other dogs that this is their space and they should stay away. Secondly, it can also be a way of relieving stress. Marking their territory can be a way of releasing built-up energy and tension.

It is important to note that dog marking territory in house is a natural behavior, and it is not necessarily a sign of bad behaviour. However, it is important to understand why dogs mark their territory, and how to stop them from doing so.

How To Stop Dogs From Marking Territory In The House

The first step in stopping dog marking territory in house is to identify the triggers that cause your dog to mark their territory. Common triggers include stress, fear, and feeling threatened. Once you have identified the triggers, you should then create a plan for managing and reducing them.

For example, if your dog is stressed, you should provide them with plenty of mental stimulation, such as playing with toys or going for walks. If your dog is feeling threatened, you should ensure that they are in an environment where they feel safe, such as a quiet room away from other people and animals.

Once you have identified and managed the triggers, you can then focus on managing the behaviour. Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Provide plenty of positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats and praise when they display good behaviour, such as not marking their territory.
  • Minimize access to areas where they mark: Restrict access to areas where your dog has marked their territory, such as certain rooms or furniture.
  • Clean up messes quickly: As soon as your dog marks their territory, clean it up quickly. This will help to discourage them from repeating the behaviour.
  • Use deterrents: If your dog continues to mark their territory, you can use deterrents such as bitter apple spray or citronella spray.
  • Seek professional help: If your dog's behaviour persists, you should seek professional help from a certified dog behaviourist.


Dogs marking their territory in the house can be a challenge to manage, but it is important to understand why they are doing it, and how to stop them from doing so. Start by identifying and managing the triggers, then focus on managing the behaviour with positive reinforcement, minimizing access to areas where they mark, cleaning up messes quickly, and using deterrents. If the behaviour persists, seek professional help from a certified dog behaviourist.

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