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Home Remedies to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Wood

It can be extremely frustrating when your dog chews on wood, furniture, or other household items. While this is a natural behavior for dogs, it can become destructive and costly if not addressed. Fortunately, there are some simple home remedies that can help stop your dog from chewing wood and other items.

Understand the Cause

It is important to understand why your dog is chewing wood in order to find an effective solution. Dogs may chew wood out of boredom, stress, or even as a sign of teething. If you can identify the root cause, it will help you determine the best course of action.

If boredom is the cause, then providing your pup with plenty of toys and activities can help keep them entertained and engaged. If stress is the issue, then providing a calm and comforting environment can help your pup feel more relaxed.

If your pup is teething, then offering them appropriate chew toys can help them pass through this stage without damaging any of your furniture.

Provide Alternatives

Providing your pup with an appropriate chew toy or bone can help redirect their chewing behavior away from wood and other items around the house. There are a variety of different chew toys available that can help keep your pup occupied and entertained.

When selecting a chew toy, it is important to choose one that is appropriate for your pup’s size and chewing habits. For example, a large, aggressive chewer may need a more durable chew toy than a small, gentle chewer.

It is also important to provide your pup with plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Regular walks, playtime, and training can help keep your pup engaged and prevent them from becoming bored and destructive.

Use Deterrents

Using deterrents can help stop your pup from chewing wood and other items around the house. Aversive tools, such as taste deterrents, can be used to make wood and other items taste unpleasant. This can help discourage your pup from chewing on them.

You can also use sound deterrents, such as a whistle or a can filled with pennies, to startle your pup when they start to chew on something they shouldn’t. This can help break the behavior and discourage them from doing it again.

However, it is important to use these tools responsibly and not to use them to punish your pup. If used correctly, deterrents can be an effective way to stop your pup from chewing wood and other items.

Make Unwanted Items Unavailable

If your pup is chewing on furniture or other household items, it is important to make these items unavailable. This can be done by placing them out of your pup’s reach or using baby gates to keep them away from certain areas.

You can also use positive reinforcement to teach your pup which items are off-limits. Whenever your pup chews on an appropriate item, such as a chew toy, be sure to praise them and reward them with a treat. This will help them learn which items are acceptable to chew on.

By making unwanted items unavailable and teaching your pup which items are appropriate to chew on, you can help prevent them from chewing on wood and other items around the house.


Chewing on wood and other items can be a destructive and costly habit for your pup. Fortunately, there are some simple home remedies that can help stop your pup from chewing wood and other items. Understanding the root cause, providing alternatives, using deterrents, and making unwanted items unavailable are all effective ways to stop your pup from chewing wood and other items.

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