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How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing His Paws

Dogs chewing their paws is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of issues. Fortunately, it is possible to stop your dog from chewing their paws. This article provides advice on how to identify and treat the underlying cause of your dog's paw chewing, as well as how to stop the behavior and provide your pup with a healthy outlet for their chewing needs.

Identifying the Cause of Paw Chewing

The first step in stopping your dog from chewing their paws is to identify the underlying cause. There are several potential reasons why a dog may chew their paws, including allergies, anxiety, boredom, or parasites. If your dog is chewing their paws due to an allergy, you may notice red, swollen, or itchy paws. If the paw chewing is caused by anxiety or boredom, you may notice that your pup chews their paws when they are alone, or when they are feeling stressed or anxious.

If parasites are the cause of your dog's paw chewing, you may notice that the affected area is red, inflamed, and has a bad odor. If you suspect that your pup's paw chewing is caused by parasites, it is important to take them to the vet for a diagnosis and treatment.

Treating the Underlying Cause

Once you have identified the underlying cause of your dog's paw chewing, the next step is to treat the underlying cause. If your pup is suffering from allergies, your vet may recommend antihistamines, steroids, or other medications to reduce itching and inflammation. If anxiety or boredom is the cause, your vet may recommend providing your pup with more stimulation or companionship. If parasites are the cause, your vet will likely prescribe medications to kill the parasites.

In addition to treating the underlying cause, it is also important to provide your pup with a healthy outlet for their chewing needs. Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, so providing them with safe and appropriate chew toys can help to reduce the urge to chew their paws.

How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Their Paws

Once the underlying cause of your dog's paw chewing has been identified and treated, the next step is to stop the behavior itself. The most effective way to do this is to provide your pup with a healthy outlet for their chewing needs. Provide your pup with a variety of chew toys and rotate them regularly to keep them from becoming bored. If your pup still chews their paws, try applying a bitter-tasting spray or wrap to the affected area. This will make the area unpleasant to chew and may help to deter your pup from chewing their paws.

It is also important to provide your pup with plenty of mental and physical stimulation. Take your pup for regular walks and playtime, and provide them with interactive toys and puzzles to keep them mentally engaged. This will help to reduce boredom and anxiety, and can help to reduce the urge to chew their paws.


If your pup is chewing their paws, it is important to identify the underlying cause and treat it accordingly. In addition, providing your pup with a healthy outlet for their chewing needs and plenty of mental and physical stimulation can help to reduce the urge to chew their paws. With the right approach, you can help your pup to stop chewing their paws and provide them with a healthy and happy life.

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