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How To Get A Dog To Stop Chewing Stuff

Chewing is one of the most common issues that dog owners face. It can be a nuisance, as well as damaging to the objects being chewed. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to get a dog to stop chewing stuff. In this article, we will explore the causes of chewing, as well as provide tips on how to get a dog to stop chewing stuff.

What Causes Dogs To Chew?

Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs, as it is a way for them to explore their environment. Dogs may chew out of boredom, stress, or to satisfy their urge to chew. Puppies may chew more than adult dogs, as they are teething and need to chew to alleviate the discomfort.

It is important to understand the cause of chewing in order to effectively address the problem. If the cause of the chewing is boredom, then providing your dog with toys or going for regular walks may help to curb the behaviour. If the cause of the chewing is stress, then addressing the underlying cause of the stress is the best way to address the problem.

How To Get A Dog To Stop Chewing Stuff

Once the cause of the chewing has been identified, there are steps that can be taken to get a dog to stop chewing stuff.

  • Provide Alternatives: Providing your dog with toys or chews that are appropriate for them can help to redirect their chewing behaviour. Make sure to provide different types of toys and chews, as this will help to keep your dog interested and occupied.
  • Distract With Treats: If your dog is chewing something they shouldn’t, try to distract them with treats or a toy. This will help to redirect their focus and can help to break the chewing habit.
  • Praise Good Behaviour: If your dog stops chewing when asked, it is important to praise them for their good behaviour. This will help to reinforce the desired behaviour and will help to discourage the chewing behaviour.
  • Provide Exercise: If your dog is chewing out of boredom, providing them with regular exercise and mental stimulation can help to reduce the behaviour. Going for regular walks and playing interactive games can help to keep your dog active and engaged.
  • Address Stress: It is important to identify and address the underlying cause of any stress that your dog may be experiencing. This may include changes in the home, such as a new pet or person, or changes in routine.
  • Seek Professional Help: If the chewing behaviour persists, it is important to seek professional help. A veterinarian or certified behaviourist can help to identify the underlying cause of the chewing and provide strategies to address the problem.

What To Do If Your Dog Chews Something They Shouldn’t

If your dog chews something they shouldn’t, it is important to remain calm. Yelling or punishing your dog will not help to address the problem and may even make it worse. Instead, remove the item from your dog and provide them with an appropriate chew toy or treat.

If the item is damaged, it is important to clean it up and put it away so that your dog does not have access to it. This will help to discourage the behaviour and will help to keep your dog safe.


Chewing is a common behaviour in dogs and can be a nuisance for owners. It is important to understand the cause of the chewing in order to effectively address the problem. Once the cause of the chewing has been identified, there are steps that can be taken to get a dog to stop chewing stuff. Providing alternatives, distracting with treats, praising good behaviour, providing exercise, addressing stress, and seeking professional help can all help to reduce the chewing behaviour. It is also important to remain calm if your dog chews something they shouldn’t and to remove the item and provide an appropriate chew toy or treat. By following these tips, you can help to get a dog to stop chewing stuff.

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