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How to Stop Your Dog from Chewing Your Couch

Having a dog means that you need to be prepared for some occasional destruction. Chewing is a normal behaviour for dogs, but it can be destructive if it's directed toward your furniture. If your dog is chewing your couch, you need to take steps to stop this behaviour. This article offers advice on how to stop your dog from chewing your couch.

Understand Why Your Dog Is Chewing

The first step in stopping your dog from chewing your couch is to understand why they are doing it in the first place. Dogs chew for a variety of reasons, including boredom, anxiety, or simply because they like the taste of certain objects. Knowing the underlying cause of your dog's chewing behaviour can help you address the issue more effectively.

Common Reasons for Chewing:

  • Boredom
  • Anxiety
  • Exploration
  • Attention-seeking
  • Teething

If your dog is chewing your couch out of boredom, providing them with more stimulating activities such as puzzle toys, walks, and playtime can help to reduce this behaviour.

Discourage Chewing with Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to discourage your dog from chewing your couch. When you catch your dog in the act of chewing, use a firm, but gentle, voice to tell them “no” and then immediately reward them with a treat or toy. This will help them to understand that chewing the couch is not acceptable behaviour.

You can also use positive reinforcement to teach your dog alternative behaviours. For example, if they are chewing the couch out of boredom, you can teach them to chew on appropriate toys instead. Whenever they chew on an appropriate toy, reward them with a treat or toy.

Make Your Couch Unappealing to Your Dog

Another way to discourage your dog from chewing your couch is to make it unappealing. This can be done by spraying the couch with a bitter apple spray or covering it with a blanket or towel. You can also place a few toys or treats on the couch to distract your dog from chewing.

If your dog is still attracted to the couch, you can try placing a few pieces of aluminum foil on it. Dogs don't like the sound of aluminum foil, so this can be a good deterrent.

Provide an Appropriate Chew Toy

Providing your dog with an appropriate chew toy is another way to stop them from chewing your couch. Choose a toy that is designed for chewing, such as a Kong or Nylabone, and make sure it is the appropriate size for your dog. If your dog has a favorite toy, you can also try placing it near the couch to distract them from chewing.

Make sure to provide your dog with plenty of chew toys and rotate them frequently to keep them from getting bored. This will help to keep your dog occupied and discourage them from chewing on other objects.

Seek Professional Help

If you've tried all of the above methods and your dog is still chewing your couch, it may be time to seek professional help. A certified trainer or behaviorist can help you identify the underlying cause of your dog's chewing behaviour and provide you with strategies to address it.

A professional can also help you develop a plan to train your dog to stop chewing your couch. They will be able to provide you with personalized advice and guidance to help you stop this destructive behaviour.


Chewing is a normal behaviour for dogs, but it can be destructive if it's directed toward your furniture. If your dog is chewing your couch, it's important to take steps to stop this behaviour. Understanding why your dog is chewing and using positive reinforcement can help to discourage this behaviour. You can also make your couch unappealing to your dog and provide them with appropriate chew toys. If all else fails, seeking professional help is recommended.

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