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Teach Your Dog to Lay Down: A Step-by-Step Guide

Training your dog to lay down is an important part of the obedience process. It not only helps your pup learn to obey commands, but it also helps to keep your pet safe. Teaching your dog to lay down is a simple process, but it will require patience and practice. With the right techniques, you can easily teach your dog to lay down and stay down when given the command.

Understanding the Basics of Training

Before you start teaching your dog to lay down, it is important to understand the basics of dog training. Training your pup is a process of reward and repetition. Every time your dog succeeds at a command, they should be rewarded with a treat or verbal praise. This helps to reinforce the behavior and encourages them to continue succeeding.

It is also important to remember that dogs learn best in short training sessions. If you start to overload your pup with too many commands or too much repetition, they may start to become frustrated and lose interest in the training. Start with short sessions, and gradually increase the length of each session as your pup begins to understand the commands.

Teaching Your Dog to Lay Down

Once you understand the basics of dog training, you can begin teaching your pup to lay down. The process is simple and can be done in a few easy steps:

  • Start with a Sit Command: Begin by teaching your pup the sit command. Have them sit, then reward them with a treat or verbal praise. Repeat the command until they understand and can stay in the sitting position.
  • Introduce the Lay Down Command: Once your pup knows how to sit, introduce the lay down command. Hold a treat close to their nose and slowly lower it towards the ground. As they follow the treat, they should naturally lay down. Once they are in the laying position, reward them with the treat and verbal praise.
  • Practice and Repeat: Continue to practice the lay down command with your pup. Give them the command, then reward them when they succeed. Make sure to give them plenty of verbal praise and treats as they learn the command.

Using Hand Signals to Teach Your Dog to Lay Down

In addition to verbal commands, you can also use hand signals to teach your pup to lay down. To do this, start by teaching them the sit command. Once they understand the sit command, give them the sit command and then use your hand signal to indicate the lay down command. You can use a downward pointing finger or a sweeping motion with your arm.

When your pup follows the signal and lays down, reward them with a treat and verbal praise. Continue to practice the hand signal with your pup until they understand the command and are able to follow it consistently.

Problems You May Encounter

When teaching your pup to lay down, you may encounter certain problems. If your pup is having trouble understanding the command, try using treats more often. You can also try using a clicker to help reinforce the behavior. If your pup is having trouble staying down, you can use a stay command to help them stay in the laying position.

You may also encounter issues with distractions. If your pup is having trouble focusing on the command, try to find a quiet, distraction-free area. You can also use verbal praise and treats to help keep them focused on the task at hand.


Teaching your pup to lay down is an important part of the obedience process. It helps your pup learn to obey commands and stay safe. The process is simple and can be done in a few easy steps. Start by teaching your pup the sit command, then introduce the lay down command. Once your pup understands the command, practice and repeat until they can consistently follow it. You can also use hand signals to help reinforce the behavior. With patience and practice, you can easily teach your pup to lay down when given the command.

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