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How to Stop Dogs from Chewing Up Everything

Dogs, by their nature, love to chew and explore. However, this behaviour can become problematic when your pup begins to chew up your furniture, books, or other objects. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep your pup from chewing your things. Here, we’ll explore how to stop dogs from chewing up everything in your home.

Provide Plenty of Chew Toys

One of the easiest ways to prevent your pup from chewing up your furniture or other items is to provide plenty of chew toys. Chew toys are a great way to keep your pup entertained while also satisfying their need to chew. Make sure to get chew toys that are made from safe materials, such as rubber or nylon. Additionally, try to get a variety of textures and shapes so your pup can explore different types of chew toys.

You should also make sure to replace the chew toys when they become worn out. If the chew toy is too worn out, it can become a choking hazard for your pup. Additionally, you should rotate the chew toys every few days to keep your pup from getting bored with them.

Train Your Pup

In addition to providing plenty of chew toys, you should also train your pup not to chew on your furniture or other items. Start by teaching your pup basic commands such as “leave it” or “no.” When your pup starts to chew on something they shouldn’t, say the command in a firm voice and then offer them a chew toy instead. Additionally, you can use positive reinforcement to reward your pup when they chew on their chew toys instead of your things.

You should also use crate training to help stop your pup from chewing. When you’re not home, put your pup in their crate with a few chew toys to keep them occupied. This will help to prevent them from chewing on your furniture or other items while you’re away.

Provide Exercise and Attention

Another way to prevent your pup from chewing up your things is to provide plenty of exercise and attention. Exercise is a great way to keep your pup from getting bored and chewing your things out of boredom. Additionally, make sure to spend plenty of time playing with your pup and giving them attention. This will help to keep them from feeling neglected and looking for other ways to entertain themselves.

You should also make sure to provide plenty of mental stimulation for your pup. This can include teaching them new tricks, playing games with them, or taking them on walks and exploring new places. Mental stimulation is a great way to keep your pup from getting bored and looking for other ways to entertain themselves.

Discourage Chewing

If your pup has already started chewing on your things, there are a few things you can do to discourage them from continuing this behaviour. One of the best ways to do this is to startle your pup when they start to chew on something. You can do this by making a loud noise or clapping your hands. This will help to startle your pup and make them stop chewing.

You can also try spraying your pup with water when they start to chew on something. This will help to startle your pup and make them stop. Additionally, you can try using bitter-tasting sprays on items that your pup likes to chew on. This will help to discourage them from chewing on those items.


Chewing can be a normal part of a dog’s behaviour, but it can become a problem when your pup starts to chew up your furniture or other items. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to stop your pup from chewing up everything in your home. Providing plenty of chew toys, training your pup, and providing exercise and attention are all great ways to prevent your pup from chewing on your things. Additionally, you can use methods such as startling your pup or using bitter-tasting sprays to discourage them from chewing.

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