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How to Stop Puppies from Chewing Things

Caring for a puppy is a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. One of the most common issues puppy owners face is their puppy's tendency to chew on things. This article will provide tips and tricks on how to stop puppies from chewing things.

Why Do Puppies Chew Things?

Chewing is a natural behavior for puppies, and it serves several purposes. Puppies explore the world around them by using their mouths, which helps them learn about their environment. Chewing also helps puppies relieve stress, exercise their jaw muscles, and keep their teeth and gums healthy.

However, puppies may also chew because they are bored, anxious, or teething. If your puppy is chewing things, it's important to identify the cause so you can address it appropriately.

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

One of the best ways to discourage your puppy from chewing on inappropriate items is to provide them with appropriate chew toys. Look for toys that are specifically designed for puppies, as they are typically softer and more durable than regular toys.

Choose a variety of toys, as this will keep your puppy entertained. Make sure the toys are safe and free from loose parts, such as strings and buttons.

Also, make sure to rotate your puppy's toys so they don't get bored. This will help keep your puppy engaged and less likely to chew on other things.

Encourage Good Habits

When your puppy is chewing on an appropriate toy, make sure to praise them. This will help reinforce the behavior, and your puppy will be more likely to repeat it.

When you catch your puppy chewing on something they shouldn't, take the item away and replace it with an appropriate chew toy. If your puppy is teething, you can also provide them with a cold, wet cloth or a frozen carrot or banana to chew on.

Also, make sure to provide your puppy with plenty of exercise, as this will help reduce their urge to chew.

Discourage Bad Habits

If your puppy is chewing on something they shouldn't, it's important to discourage the behavior. Yelling or hitting your puppy will only make the problem worse, as it can lead to fear or aggression.

Instead, use a firm “no” and take the item away. You can also give your puppy a toy as a distraction and reward them with a treat when they chew on the toy instead.

If your puppy continues to chew on inappropriate items, you may need to use a deterrent. There are many commercial products available, such as bitter sprays or deterrent gels. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, as some products can be toxic if ingested.

Be Patient

It can take time to stop your puppy from chewing on things, so it's important to be patient. Consistency is key, so make sure you are consistent in your approach.

It's also important to be consistent in your expectations. If you don't want your puppy to chew on furniture or shoes, make sure to keep them out of reach. This will help your puppy learn what is and isn't acceptable.


Chewing is a natural behavior for puppies, and it can be difficult to discourage. The best way to stop puppies from chewing things is to provide them with appropriate chew toys, encourage good habits, and discourage bad habits. It's also important to be patient and consistent in your approach. With some patience and consistency, you can help your puppy learn what is and isn't appropriate to chew on.

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