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How to Stop A Puppy From Whining

Whining is one of the most common issues faced by puppy owners. It can be frustrating and difficult to deal with, but there are ways to stop a puppy from whining. This article will discuss the different techniques that you can use to stop a puppy from whining, as well as tips for preventing it from happening in the first place.

Understand Why Your Puppy is Whining

The first step in how do you stop a puppy from whining is to understand why your puppy is whining in the first place. Puppies may whine for a variety of reasons, such as being hungry, thirsty, needing attention, feeling scared, or being in pain. Once you have determined the cause, you can take steps to address it.

Ignore the Whining

One of the best ways to stop a puppy from whining is to ignore it. If your puppy is whining for attention, they may be seeking attention, and if you give it to them, they will continue to whine in order to get it. By ignoring the whining, you are teaching your puppy that they will not get what they want by whining, and they will eventually stop.

Give Your Puppy Something to Do

If your puppy is whining out of boredom, you can give them something to do to keep them occupied. This could be a toy, a chewable treat, or even a puzzle toy. This will help keep them entertained and distracted from the whining.

Provide Comfort and Reassurance

If your puppy is whining out of fear or anxiety, it is important to provide them with comfort and reassurance. You can do this by speaking to them in a calm and soothing voice, petting them, and giving them treats. This will help them to feel more secure and less likely to whine.

Create a Routine

Creating a consistent routine for your puppy is another way to stop a puppy from whining. This includes feeding them at the same time every day, taking them for regular walks, and providing them with plenty of attention. Having a routine will help your puppy to feel secure, and it will reduce the likelihood of them whining.

Provide Exercise and Stimulation

Exercise and mental stimulation are important for puppies, as they need to release their energy and stay active. Taking your puppy for regular walks, playing games with them, and providing them with toys will help to keep them entertained and prevent them from getting bored and whining.

Use Positive Reinforcement

You can also use positive reinforcement to stop a puppy from whining. Whenever your puppy stops whining, you should reward them with a treat or verbal praise. This will help to reinforce the desired behavior, and it will make it more likely that your puppy will stop whining in the future.

Seek Professional Help

If your puppy's whining is persistent and you are unable to stop it on your own, it is best to seek professional help. A veterinarian or animal behaviorist can help you to identify the underlying cause of the whining and provide you with tips on how to stop it.

Tips for Preventing Whining

In addition to how do you stop a puppy from whining, there are also some tips for preventing it from happening in the first place. These include:

  • Providing your puppy with enough exercise and stimulation
  • Creating a consistent routine
  • Ignoring the whining
  • Providing comfort and reassurance
  • Giving your puppy something to do
  • Using positive reinforcement


Whining can be a frustrating issue for puppy owners, but it is possible to stop a puppy from whining. The key is to understand why your puppy is whining in the first place, and then use the appropriate techniques to address the issue. Additionally, there are some tips for preventing whining in the first place, such as providing exercise and stimulation, creating a routine, and using positive reinforcement. If the whining persists, it is best to seek professional help.

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