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How Can I Stop Dogs from Peeing on My Lawn?

Are you fed up with your lawn being used as a toilet by your neighbour's dog? It can be frustrating to have to clean up after a pet you don't even own. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to stop dogs from peeing on your lawn. Read on to find out more.

Train Your Dog

One of the best ways to stop dogs from peeing on your lawn is to train your own dog. If you have a pet, make sure they are trained to go to the bathroom in a designated spot. You can do this by taking them to the same spot to pee and rewarding them when they use the spot correctly. This will help them to understand that peeing anywhere else is not allowed.

You can also train your dog to stay away from certain areas of your lawn. If you have an area that you don't want them to go near, you can use a fence or barrier to keep them away. This will help to keep them from peeing in that specific area.

Use Natural Repellents

If you don't want to use a fence or barrier to keep the dogs away, you can try using natural repellents. These repellents are designed to keep dogs away from certain areas. They usually contain ingredients like citronella, cayenne pepper, or vinegar that have a strong smell that dogs don't like. You can spray these repellents on your lawn to keep the dogs away.

You can also try using predator urine to keep the dogs away. Predator urine has a strong smell that dogs don't like, and it can be used to keep them away from your lawn. You can buy predator urine from most pet stores.

Install a Sprinkler System

Another way to keep dogs away from your lawn is to install a sprinkler system. Sprinkler systems are designed to detect movement and then spray water in that area. This can be a great way to keep dogs away from your lawn without having to use any chemicals or repellents.

You can also install motion-activated lights on your lawn. These lights will turn on when they detect movement, which can be a great deterrent for dogs. The lights will startle the dogs and keep them away from your lawn.

Talk to the Dog Owner

If you have a problem with a neighbour's dog peeing on your lawn, it's important to talk to the owner. Explain to them that it's a problem and ask them to keep their dog away from your lawn. Most people will understand and be willing to work with you to find a solution.

You can also try talking to the local animal control department. They may be able to provide information on how to deal with the problem. If the problem persists, they may be able to take action against the dog owner.


Dogs peeing on your lawn can be a frustrating problem, but there are a few simple steps you can take to stop it. Training your own dog, using natural repellents, installing a sprinkler system, and talking to the dog owner can all help to keep the dogs away. With a bit of effort, you can keep your lawn free from dog pee.

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